⇾ seven

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they're taken care of.

if they start
doing it again make sure
to tell me. i'll beat their asses.

oh my god

you're the bEST

aww thanks, i did
my best, i'm not
used to being scary lmaoo

well if you're scary
enough to make hoseok
stop then i think you did
great skks

he looks annoying

anyways so

you wanted to meet tonight?


that's okay with you?

of course it is

i want to hug you


oh my god of course

i actually wanted to ask
you if you just wanted to come
to my house and we can watch
marvel movies and cuddle sksk

oh my gO D


soulmate is that you

maybe ;)

if we were actual soulmates would
you be okay with that



i'd love for you to be
my soulmate, jiminie

jimin squealed, like a girl in highschool.
his roommate yoongi, looked at his friend on the other side of the living room.

"jimin you're so IN LOVE. what'd he say now?" the older asked, tilting his head.

jimin giggled and scrolled up in the texts a bit, smiling the brightest. "okay so, first of all, we're meeting tonight. you already know that" he said, yoongi nodded.

"AAAND i offered he could come over here and we can cuddle and watch marvel movies and shit. this boy asked me if i was his soulmate and i'm already just like aHH- yknow?" jimin asked, his words fast and excited.

"and i asked him if he'd be okay if i was his aCTUAL soulmate and he said he would LOVE IF I WAS HIS SOULMATE." jimin said, wondering how he ended up on the floor looking like a starfish.

yoongi chuckled and softly nodded, "well first, i'm glad you guys are meeting in person. you two seem to have amazing chemistry with each other. i'm glad you finally found someone that actually makes you happy. no one else really seemed to love and care for you as much as this kook guy does."

jimin smiled, he guessed never really realized how different jungkook was from every other he's had a crush on. jungkook seemed to do anything he could to make jimin happy.

"yeah you're right. soulmates exist right? because i'm pretty sure he is." jimin sighed, looking down at his fingers, smiling softly.

yoongi smiled at his love filled friend and quickly patted his head. "well minnie, enjoy your night. i hope you two lovebirds have fun" he said, giving his best friend a friendly kiss on his head, then walking out of the apartment.

jimin went to his room to change into a blue hoodie and black jeans, then taking a trip to the bathroom to style his hair a bit, throwing on the slightest bit of makeup over his eyes.

he looked around his house, making sure there was comfy blankets on the couch and the rest of his house was spotless.

hey can u send your
address please honey

jimin blushed faintly at the nickname, but sent the address anyways.jungkook said he'd be there in a half an hour.

this was the time where jimin started lowkey panicking.

he realized how nervous he'd be to finally meet jungkook. he didn't know how tall the boy was. oh god what was he gonna say??


finishing up with his hair, jungkook turned to namjoon and his boyfriend, seokjin. they smiled proudly at their "son". seokjin smiled and cuppes jungkook's cheek.

"honey, i'm so proud of you. look at you, going to meet someone who has genuinely made your smile and you brighter in general." seokjin said with namjoon's arms wrapped loosely around his waist.

"kid, we've known eachother forever and i've never seen you happier in your life. you always seem so excited for the smallest little things. like finally after all these years, you find joy in things and see the best out of bad things. and for that you deserve to meet him. it's so obvious you two love eachother." namjoon said, reaching out to his best friend and rubbed his head.

jungkook smiled happily, "don't make me cry before i meet him, guys. that's not very nice." he joked, hugging them both.

"and plus, it's not like i'm getting married, we're just meeting face to face." jungkook teased, letting go of the two olders.

they laughed, slapping his back a few times.

"go meet your boy" seokjin said, lightly pushing jungkook towards the door.

jungkook quickly grabbed his keys and his phone, going outside to his car and putting jimin's address in his phone.

as he drove he wondered how he would even say hello.

so should i just say hi? hey? yo?
or would it be best to just..smile? what?

pulling into the apartment building, jungkook took a deep breath before walking to jimin's side and apartment.

taking one more deep breath in and out, jungkook knocked on the door.

he stayed quiet, waiting for the door to open.

suddenly it felt like everything was moving in slow motion.

the door opened, revealing a shorter, blonde boy wearing a kind of bigger blue hoodie and black jeans.


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