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Marriage on Weekend's

"Weekend start it from today, are you coming with us, we are going to pub" girl ask her..

"No you carry on all, I'm busy on weekends" another girl reply back..

"All weekends you give us same answer" men says..

"Because I'm married" she says..

"In short, your husband not allow you, right my friend Tripura" girl says..

"Actually.." she stop in mid, everyone look her with intense, they curious to know the reason, finally she open her mouth..

"Leave it, you guys never understand my life" Tripura pick her purse & she check out from office..

"Hey dude I have passes of football match, lose your tie, & come with us" his friend says..

"Tch! Aahh! It's weekend guys, you carry on" he says..

"Dude we know it's weekend, that's why I have passes, after match over, we are having chilled beer, then going for long drive" his another colleague force him..

"No, you carry on guys, only weekend we got for each other, & weekend I can't spend with all of you guys" he says..

"Karan we all are running away from our wife, & you dude" his colleague says..

"Because only on weekend we both are together, that's why I'm not running away from her" Karan says with smile..

"Really it's a marriage" his colleague ask him another question..

He turn off his PC & left the place, without give any answer..

Karan lose his tie knot, throw his office bag back side of car, & start his car with smile..

Tripura wait for bus at bus stop, she check her wrist watch with tense, & car stop near her, car window down, she peep in, he wave his hand with smile & she smiles back, he opens the door, she sit in car, they drive off to home..

Sherry trying Karan's number, but his number unreachable, she annoying on him, she irritates by the same answer, her mother looks that & she ask her..

Madhu- what happened!

Sherry with irks tone- these Karan's call continuously unreachable..

Madhu with cold tone- it's Friday, his cell will reachable only on Monday morning, you forget I think..

Sherry close her eyes in frustration & she says with irks- yeah I must say, he is with his wife only..

Madhu with irks tone- last two years he spend his weekends only with her, why he choose her don't know, why her marriage proposal comes to my son only..

Sherry- Maa stop it! After all she is your daughter in law..

Tripura rest her head on window glass, she staring outside, Karan look her once, pull her cheek softly with smile & he ask her- why are you so silent, last Sunday's fight still on, that's why you silent..

Tripura look him with small smile & says- it's started on Sunday, & we pause on Sunday night, right!

Karan- yeah! So we continue our fight on Sunday night..

Tripura nodded in yes..

Karan again look her once & ask- can I pack the food from hotel..

Tripura- no, no, no, paneer in fridge, so I make something for us..

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