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For two weeks Karan & Tripura not going to their parents house, they both feel guilty, but as same as they have a faith on their parents love too, Sherry being spicy food in their dream one family..

Sherry talking on cell with Tripura & Karan, they talking about Tripura's nausea & morning sickness & many other things too, she look her mother coming out from the room & she quickly change the topic- bhabh's why don't you try watermelon..

Tripura not understand what she talking about, & she replied- it's not good for health that much, as per doctor's instructions, & doctor suggested me so many things, & even they suggested me not heavy weight, don't sleep on tummy & it's a big list..

Sherry says- ohh doctor suggested you heavy weight's too, but it's not good in pregnancy period, & she look her coming towards her..

Tripura with confusing tone- what are you saying Sherry, it's not good in pregnancy period..

Sherry- ohh that's good, they suggested you sleep on tummy, & same time Madhu pull cell from Sherry's hold & she says..

Madhu- which doctor suggested you wrong things, that doctor have the original degree, don't go that doctor here after, & listen, on evening I'm coming to receive you, & we both are going for check up at another good doctor..

Tripura & Karan got it Sherry's wrong talks & Tripura reply- ok maa..

Madhu- start to eat dry fruits, fruit's & lot's of vegetables, it's good for baby, & don't give any stress on your tummy, don't sleep on your tummy, sleep as much as possible on your back, & while seating on couch or chair, keep cushion behind on your back, that won't back pain you a lot..

Tripura & Karan exchange the look with smile & says- ok maa..

Madhu- good, & she handover cell to Sherry again, & walks towards for her work..

After she go Sherry says- it works..

Karan- before you do anything like these, you have to give a signal at least, you just started & go on & on, how we know maa is around you, & she listing your nonsense babbling..

Sherry- bro have a some hot coffee & keep clam, I want to be like versatile batsman in your dream..

Tripura- ok, but please don't pull the trigger so much..

Sherry- yes, you just be relax..

Karan cut the call before Tripura reply to Sherry, & he pulled cell from Tripura's hand, & says- now it's time for me only..

Tripura- you are such jealousy cat..

Karan says with proud tone- yes I'm..

Tripura hold Karan through his waist & says- you look handsome today..

Karan- is it compliment or a signal of pleasure..

Tripura smiles & says- what do you think..

Karan move his face towards her with smiles go to catch her lips & same time door bell ring, Tripura lightly hit a punch on his shoulder, & says- go open the door..

Karan- it's pending..

Tripura- ok, go now, & Karan getting up from the side of her..

He open the door & surprise to look Tripura's mother on door with her father, he take a blessing from both, & he welcome them in, Tripura too surprised to look her parents, & she give them a warm side hugged..

Nandita look Tripura top to toe & says- why are you looking so dull, food is not suiting you..

Tripura- no, all the time I puking, & Karan doing everything, office & then house chores, he doing two duties now a days..

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