shot 7

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Hope you guys remember these story, if you not please read previous update, later then you move for new shot..

Marriage on weekends 7

As per weekend, Tripura reach to their flat, she knows Karan is busy with Sherry with her fashion show, she unlock the door, & keep her bag on table, & start to walk towards the balcony area, she hear some sounds from kitchen, she bit scared by the sounds, she start to take stealthy steps towards the kitchen, & she surprise to look Karan there, he wearing a apron on his casual getup, she enter in kitchen with smile & hugged him from back with smile, she round her one hand on his waist & grip his arm with other hand, he smiles by her action, before she ask her question, he speaks..

Karan- Sherry send me here, she is very much happy & excited too..

Still Tripura hugged him by back, & she says- hmm, I know, she called me bhabhi after so long time, I'm happy too..

Karan lose her grips from his waist & he turn to her, he cupped her face in his palms & they both stare each other for few moments, Tripura tip her toes, & capture his lips in her, Karan give a support to her neck by his one hand, his other hand rest on the kitchen slab for his own support, they both depends on kiss..

A two minutes left, & Tripura leave his lips, Karan open his eyes, & look her so clam, he pinch her chin, & up her face to him, he stare her & softly kiss on her forehead, & says- now please don't stress yourself, me & Sherry handle everything, she is with us..

Tripura- I know..

Karan- can I ask you the question..

Tripura- haan..

Karan- still you think about abortion!

Tripura blank for sometime, Karan wait for her answer, she says- it depends on Maa & Amma, if they ready to stay together with each other, then I never thought of abortion..

Karan- trust me! They will stay together with us, as a one family..

Tripura- I hope so too..

Karan- I make some healthy snacks for us, let's have together..

Tripura- ok..

Karan- ok, go get fresh first..

Tripura give her mischievous smile to him & says- just we kissed, & get fresh, it means, again burn the energy on long kiss..

Karan hold Tripura's waist, & carefully pull her to him, & start to nuzzled her, says with husky voice- Mrs. Khanna in romantic mood, not bad..

Tripura enjoying nuzzles with smile, & she says- I was missing you, so it's natural..

Karan stop nuzzling her & look her with smile & says- you missing me, it's rare, when Mrs. Khanna missed me..

Tripura start to play with his t-shirt button with pink cheeks & says- you too, giving me a chance to missing you is rare..

Karan bit bend near her cheek & touch his cheek with her, & again he moved back, & start to stare her, she too look him back with smile..

"Month done for their marriage, they still be friends in bedroom, they love each other through their way, they both knows each other's feelings, their relation growing up day by day..

Once a day, Karan back from their office with his dull face, Sherry gives him glass of water, & she ask him..

Sherry- what happened..

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