Shot 10..

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Karan comes in live area with coffee mugs, he gave it to Tripura & Sherry, & he take a seat on couch & start to listen Tripura & Sherry's conversation..

Tripura- I don't think it's gonna be work..

Sherry- bhabh's it's very simple technique, & all mother have one big fantasy in their lives, is that to be grandparents, & play with their grandchildren, so I know maa so well, when she knows you are pregnant she will be here on next day with her bag..

Karan- just a minute, only not our maa we want here, we want Tripoo's parents also be here..

Sherry- yes they will also come here, but you both have to be firm on your decision..

Tripura- what decision..

Sherry- just you both declare, you both gonna be parents, & bhai you said to mom, you not be able come to house on week days also, & bhabh's you also said to your mom & dad, that you want to stay with your husband, because you are pregnant..

Karan bit doubtful tone- why do I feel but it's not gonna be working..

Sherry- it will work, just you both do what I'm saying, just do it, other thing I'll handle, how to mix some spices in their thoughts, but for baby sake you both start to stay together..

Karan & Tripura exchange the look once & agree with Sherry, & Sherry says- tomorrow evening you both just declare it..

Tripura nodding in yes- ok..

Sherry look to her & says- bhabh's relax, & clam yourself, ok..

Tripura- Haan..

Sherry take a leave from the house, & they both stay silent for minute, Karan open his mouth first..

Karan- are you sure our parents will stay together with us..

Tripura- I'm worried Karan..

& They both remembered the day, when they decided their Weekend's marriage..

They both coming to Mumbai after their honeymoon period done, they found a letter in the box, Tripura collect it & she read it, it's about their flat is ready..

Tripura with- it's a good news..

Karan with confusing tone- what! How is that possible, pills not worked..

Tripura not understand him, & she give a letter to him, & he read it, & take a relief breath..

Tripura look that & she ask him with doubtful tone- don't tell me, you think for for moment, that I'm pregnant!

Karan look her & says- sorry, I'm extremely sorry, still I'm not get over from our land..

Tripura rise up her eyebrows & says- really..

Karan smile & says- yes..

Tripura- ok, for some moments keep our land a side & tell me, how we tell these to our parents..

Karan- these Sunday, we can take them there, what say, & we declare it..

Tripura- that's great idea..

Karan- ok done..

On Sunday, their families available at Karan & Tripura's new flat..

Their parents look whole flat with happy face, they like it, & they take a seat on chairs..

Karan's mother Madhu ask to Karan & Tripura- who's flat is these..

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