chapter 14.

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"I..I..What?" I asked breathlessly.

"Will you marry me?" She said again.

"Don't you think its all a little bit rushed?" I questioned.

"No, I love you and I can't see myself loving anyone other than you." She replied which made my heart melt.

"I can't." I said simply.

"Wh..why not?" She asked desperately.

"Because earlier we had a row then I find you making out with you bandmate and it made me think that every time we fight you will just run off to Camila." I said harshly.

"Hypocrite." She spat.

"Excuse me?" I asked hurt.

"You're mad at me for running off to Camila after we had a row but don't you remember what you did like twice after we fought, you slept with her! Then you have the nerve to ask me if I will run off to Camila every time we fight." She says harshly, I take a step back from her. I hate it when she gets angry, it kinda scares me.

"This is my problem, one minute we're the happiest people on the planet and then the next we are arguing over something. It shouldn't be this hard." I remind her.

"We're toxic." I finish.

"Its crazy..." She starts.

"Whats crazy?" I question.

"How we both know that in someway we will end up hurt but we always go running back to each other." She says coming closer to me again.

"Yes." I say looking her directly in the eye.

She looks at me confused.

"Yes Lauren Jauregui I will marry you." I say and she immediately leans in and kisses me.


Lauren's P.O.V

"I would like to ask for you daughters hand in marriage." I ask, I mean we are already engaged but Y/N told me the parents might accept it more if they thought I did it all the traditional way.

"Thank god." Her father said.

"We were hoping this day would come." Her mother spoke.

"You're not bothered she's going to be marrying a girl?" I questioned.

"Of course not, we really can't think of a better suit for Y/N than yourself." Her father chipped in.


"Well hello soon to be Mrs Jauregui." I said as I walked in and saw Y/N sat on our bed looking at something on her laptop.

"They were okay with it?" She asked surprised.

"They were better than okay with it all." I said leaning over the laptop screen and placing a gentle kiss on her lips. I went to pull away but she kissed me again, I closed the laptop and placed it on the floor I then proceeded to lay Y/N down on the bed with me on top.


"Babe, what will we do about the public?" Y/N asked as she laid in my arms.

"Well I will ask management if I can tell them we are dating then in a few months we can announce the engagement because I want to get my fiancée a ring before we tell anyone." I said before placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"I'm so lucky to have you." She said before falling asleep.

"No, believe me I'm definitely the lucky one." I whispered before falling asleep myself.


Your P.O.V

"Babe do you really not trust me?" Lauren asked as we were walking to the stage so she could soundcheck with the girls.

"I do..its just I was scared that with you going all over the world you were bound to meet someone better than me." I told her honestly.

"Babe, why would I want to meet anyone else when I have all I could ever want right in front of me." She spoke which made me blush.

I leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her lips but she deicded to deepen the kiss.

"Love birds! Break it up we got to soundcheck." Dinah called as the other four girls approached us. I looked at Camila and she looked like she wanted to say something to me but I didn't want to hear it.

"Can I please talk to you later?" She whispered to me as she passed. I nodded and they began to head to soundcheck.


"Y/N, I have a question." Lauren said as I was walking with her from the dressing room to backstage as they were about to go on stage.

"Okay, ask away." I said simply.

"Are you still going to stay here when we move on to the next country?" She questioned.

"Everything with the college is all sorted, I have messed them around too much to tell them I won't attend." I replied.

"So I propose and you still want to stay? What about when I go home to Miami and you're out here? Will I ever see you?" She kept asking all these questions and honestly I didn't know the answer to any of them.

"We're not talking about this now, you need to get on stage." I said grabbing her hands.

"Whatever." She said before roughly taking her hands out of mine and heading towards the stage.


"You guys sounded great." I spoke honestly before hugging Mani, Ally and Dinah after they cam off stage. Lauren blanked me, as did Camila.

Camila and Lauren walked off together.

"Camila!" I called out and turned to face me but Lauren kept walking.

"Why?" I asked harshly.

"It just happened." She protested.

"LIAR." I spat.

"Fine I did it because I wanted to drive you and Lauren apart." She said as if it was nothing.

"Why would you want to do that?" I questioned angrily.

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" She yelled.


"I'm in love with you." She repeated.

"I'm with Lauren." I reminded her.

"I know." She spoke.

"We're engaged." I said, it slipped out.

"En..engaged?" She asked.

"She asked me to marry her and I said yes." I said.

"But you're staying here aren't you?" She asked.

"Did she tell you that before you two starting making out or after?" I questioned sarcastically.

"Whatever." She spoke before leaving.


"Babe." I said as I walked into Lauren and I's room.

She suddenly stood and walked in front of me.

"I wanted to do this properly." She said before getting on one knee and taking a small box out of her pocket.

"I feel like if I don't pour my heart out this won't be a proper proposal." She joked.

"Just ask the question Jauregui." I joked back.

"Fine, Y/N would you do the honour of making me the happiest person to ever live by marrying me?" She asked.

"Yes." I said simply, she slid the ring onto my finger and then stood up and kissed me.

Not In That Way - Lauren Jauregui/You *in editing*Where stories live. Discover now