chapter 17.

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"What's love?" I asked Kyle as we sat facing each other in a small coffee place in downtown Miami.

"Love is like, no matter where you are you feel at home and you feel safe. It's when it doesn't matter what problems you two face you know you will always get through them, but most importantly love is the feeling of your heart skipping a beat and your lips tingling after every kiss even after 50 years." He explained before taking a sip from his coffee.

"Why'd you ask anyways?" He questioned as he pushed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose.

"Have you ever been torn between two people who you care about so much and you thought you didn't love someone so you left them...then..then you realised that you actually did love them and you didn't love the person you left them for." I said hesitantly.

"Of course, many times." He responded as he leant forward and placed his elbows on the table.

"Well, how did you decide who you wanted?" I questioned as I slumped back in my chair.

"I listened to my heart. Thats really all you can do, you need to take some time to just think and make a decision. Please just tell Lauren and Camila what's going on, don't leave them in the dark about this." He told me, I was shocked at how wise he had become since I last had a proper conversation with him.


"So you can't decide if you want me or Camila?" Lauren questioned even though I had just explained the situation to her. I just simply nodded at her.

"This is all so erroneous of you. Do you actually expect us to be okay with this? It's not possible to love two people at the same time, and if you do you are lying to yourself because you clearly love me more." She spoke confidently.

"How can you be so sure that you can't love two people at the same time?" I asked.

"Well you said you were falling in love with Camila but yet you still came running back to me. Actually, to be quite honest I don't even want to hear what else you have to say. I don't want you, I have Luis." She said, for the most part through gritted teeth.

"Well, if you were so happy with Luis before why did you kiss me and tell me you were falling for me? Oh thats right you loved me and you still do, and Lauren, YOU WILL NEVER LOVE LUIS AS MUCH AS YOU LOVE ME!" I yelled, my anger levels had just gone through the roof.


Things went quiet after that, I wanted to leave but at the same time I just couldn't. We both just sat there on opposite sides of Lauren's bed with our backs facing each other, neither of us daring to break the silence.

"I'm sorry for yelling." I said after what felt like an eternity of silence.

"I'm sorry too." She spoke quietly.

"I've made my mind up.." I started.

"Already?" She questioned.

"Yeah..I..uh I can't pick either of you, I shouldn't pick either of you. I've realised I'm the main source of hurt in all of this so I decided it's better if I let the saying be true, I'm letting you both go because I love you both. You can be with Luis and Camila can be with whatever guy, or girl she pleases; but I swear to god if Luis hurts you again I will not hesitate to kick his ass back to Brazil.

"Thank you." She said and we both stood, I walked round to where she was and pulled her up off of the bed so we could share a tight embrace.

"I love you, I always will." I whispered as we pulled out of the hug.

Not In That Way - Lauren Jauregui/You *in editing*Where stories live. Discover now