chapter 15.

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Time jump of seven months.

I'm a terrible person, Lauren has been touring and now the girls and her are on a break and they are coming out to visit me, but I don't want to face Lauren because how do you tell the person you were so sure that you were going to spend the rest of your life with that you don't love them and you're in love with their best friend who kind of guessed that I had these feelings.


"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't have feelings for me." Camila said firmly after she dragged away from the other girls pretending to want to get a special look a the beautiful ring Lauren gave me.

"I'm with Lauren." I reminded her.

"Yeah and I'm with Austin but that doesn't mean I don't still have feelings for you." She spoke.

"I don't have feelings for you, I'm with Lauren and I love her." I said lying to her and myself.

"Is that the truth?" She questioned.

"Well I love Lauren, so yeah that is the truth." I responded.

"No I mean the part where you told me you didn't have feelings for me." She returned.

"I know why you said yes to Lauren. You said yes because you thought marrying her would help you get over me and this whole time you have been with Lauren you've been doubting your relationship." She said, everything bang on the money.

"Got it in one didn't I?" She asked and I nodded shyly.

"Then why are you still with her?" She questioned getting closer to me.

"Because I..I don't even know, before I went out to L.A for the first time I was positive I was in love with Lauren and then you happened and I started feeling stuff for you but I still loved Lauren and now I think I might be in love with you...and I'm scared that I will fall out of love with Lauren and break her heart which will break me because she is the most amazing and beautiful person on the planet and she doesn't deserve to be hurt." I answered, tears were now falling all down my face.

"Do you still love Lauren with all your heart?" Camila questioned and I shook my head.

"Now she only has a small chunk because my love for you seems to be growing everyday and I need to marry Lauren, I'm not calling off the wedding." I told her firmly.

"But you don't love her as much as you love me, you just admitted it." Camila yelled.

"Whats going on?" I heard a raspy voice, it cracked so I could tell the person had been crying.

Both me and Camila suddenly snapped our heads in the direction of the door. Now I know why the person was crying, I figured they just heard our whole conversation.

"Lauren please let me explain." I said softly whilst stepping closer to her

She just moved back away from me.

"Fine, explain but she's leaving first." She said, pointing to Camila who hastily left the room leaving me and my fiancée alone.

"I..I'm so sorry." I started.

"Is all that I heard the truth?" She questioned, tears already rolling down her cheeks.

I just nodded, it felt like I was frozen.

"Babe, look I..I don't know why this happened but its all my fault I slept with Camila and now I'm ruining everything, I know we weren't together when I did it but thats when my feelings started and I'm so sorry Lauren I love, I really, really do.."

"You just don't love me in that way anymore." She finished for me.

"Whilst you were touring I tried to get that love back, I really did, its just I don't think me and you are meant to be together in that way, but I will still be your best friend, nothing will change there." I told her.

"Do you seriously expect me to be okay with all of this? You tell me you don't love then tomorrow you and Camila will probably be all happy and acting like we never happened." She said, her voice cracked.

"Please don't this more difficult than it has to be, I know this is all my fault.."

"Yeah, this is all your fault, you made me let you in, you made me care. I knew I would end up hurt, even when I was a little kid but I still stuck by you and was it actually worth it in the end? No; because you just broke heart, well I hope you are happy and I sincerely wish you and Camila the best." She said before turning and grabbing the door handle to leave.

"Wait." I said and she slowly turned around, she looked furious.

"You should take this back. You'll need it again soon when you find someone great who wins your heart." I said handing her the engagement ring back.

"I already found them." She looking me dead in the eyes before turning and leaving.


Lauren's P.O.V

I lost her, for good this time. She fell out of love with me, I wasn't the best girlfriend in the world, but I tried; I really did. I love her, I can't see myself ever loving anyone as much as I love her. It's not the fact that she fell out of love with me but it's the fact that she fell in love with Camila, anyone else would've made this easier but just imagining them together makes my heart break.

I decided it was time I headed back to Y/N where we were all staying for a few days, we were all in Y/Ns room so things couldn't get much more awkward.

"Hi Mr and Mrs Y/L/N." I said as I walked into the kitchen and saw them two sat eating dinner.

"We saved some food if you wanted it, the girls already ate." Mrs Y/L/N informed me as she went to get the leftovers for me.


I walked up the stairs and could already hear the laughter and yelling coming from the room at least Y/N was happy even if I was miserable.

"Hi guys." I said shyly as I entered, I saw Camila sat on Y/Ns lap, they were all over each other, I guess the other girls had already heard as they all gave me a sympathetic smile.

Not In That Way - Lauren Jauregui/You *in editing*Where stories live. Discover now