Chapter 2

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I gritted my teeth, annoyed with the male checking my registration forms, and making sure that everything was in tip-top shape. Three hours had passed from the time that I had gotten paid until I was at the barn, waiting to be cleared. And, all I wanted to do was get Aimu settled before I took a nice long shower after the night I had, finding and killing evil Rogues that had given my name such a bad rep.

"Come on," I grumbled, tapping at my steering wheel impatiently. I watched as the 6'8 male pulled out his phone to call someone. "Everything is in order. I am just a Rogue Hunter who happens to be female and good at my job. There is no need to keep me waiting."

The male hung up the phone and went towards me. "Mrs. Ric-"

"Ms. Rice," I corrected, earning a glare from him. I kept my face blank, even though my Wolf growled out, hating the disrespect that he gave her.

The male narrowed his eyes and growled, and I bit my lip and held back a scoff.

Pesky, Beta, I thought, making sure that my face was blank. I did not need him to know that I was not a fan of his, not knowing if he would allow me through, even when I had another job to do with Clint and had to meet him soon. 

"I am sorry, but your papers are incorrect," he said. "You will not be allowed in here."

"And how are the papers not correct?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I drummed my fingers against the steering wheel, impatient while I watched the male before me. "Where is that... Peters dude? He knows me."

The male's face hardened, and he glared at me. His green eyes turned a darker color, disgust evident on his face. "He died by your kind," he spat. His whole body shook, and I knew that he was about to shift.

I raised an eyebrow, knowing that he was talking about Rogues. My face darkened at the thought of some male that I had respected died, and I wasn't there to stop the men that had killed him. "I hunt people that make me look bad," I replied. "When was this?"

"Six months ago," he replied.

I grunted and thought about where I was during that time. "I was in Romania. I was supposed to leave a month before that, but the stupid snow came down and shut the airport for a month." I rolled my eyes and gripped the steering wheel tighter. "What is it that I am missing?" I asked, changing the subject. "I will be staying with Alpha Clint Eason, and he is the one that you can contact."

"The date is wrong. You need to be checked by your Alpha two months before being at a pack event."

I bit back a growl, my eyes flashing a darker gray. "Watch it, Pup," I spat, and he growled. "You have no idea what shit I have been through." I bared my teeth. "I have not had an Alpha since I was eleven. You have no reason nor right to say something. Call your Alpha and send him here. Let me get my horse set up because he is about to break down my trailer, and I do not need that to happen." I smirked. "And, you have a line, forming, Pup."

"You bi-"

"Excuse me, can we get a move on? Some of us have to look after- Oh, hey, Kel. How are you? Haven't seen you in a while," the familiar voice of Clint Eason said. He leaned against my window, shoving the person that was in front of the window away. A good-natured smirk was on his face, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief and protectiveness. "So, what is the holdup?"

"You forgot to change the date again," I replied, narrowing my eyes at him. "And the Pup isn't letting me through because my papers are "incorrect." I am sure that he has called his Alpha by now, and he is meeting up with me soon."

Clint moved a hand through his brown hair and looked at the Pup. "You can let her pass, Beta Dennis," he said, letting me know that this male was a Beta and should be treated with respect. "I will stay with her until Alpha Brickson is done with the meeting of conjoined packs with Alpha Mercer and make sure that she stays out of trouble until he gets here."

My hands clenched tighter on the steering wheel, and my breath turned hollow because that name brought too many bad memories to me all at once, and my wolf to start pacing from nerves. Quickly, so that the two men would not see the fear I felt, I placed a blank look over my face while I looked at the man who was becoming a pain in my ass. "So, if he stays with, can I go?" I raised an eyebrow and waited for him to say something.

Dennis gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes. Dislike and distrust filled his eyes while he looked me up and down as if I was a piece of scum, and it took all of my self-control not to lash out at him. "Just don't cause any trouble," he said, all but growling out. He looked at Clint, his jaw set. "And, do you have someone to drive your truck? She is under watch starting now."

"Henson is," Clint replied. He turned to look back at me and saw my dog staring at him. "I guess I am taking them back," he grumbled, playfully. He opened the unlocked door and got in, shutting the door behind him.

"Behave, Pup," Dennis snarled. "Or, you will be dealing with me." He shoved the papers at me and stepped back, letting me through.

I growled, letting a bit of power in it, and left the place before I killed him. My whole body was tense, and I couldn't believe that I would have to see HIM soon.

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