Chapter 9

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I leaned against the building while I waited for him to exit and waited for Jack to get ready to come with me back to the cabin that I called my "home." I had a cigarette clutched in my grasp and was smoking it while I waited, trying to keep myself from killing anyone, especially him.

I replayed the whole conversation in my mind while I waited and tried to see if there was anything that I was missing. I knew that the man that had killed the pack was my mate, but I was certain that he wasn't acting in his right mind. I had a feeling that someone was controlling him, and I needed to figure who before another group was killed or worse.

A figure walked out of the bar and looked around. His back was turned to me, but I knew that it was my mate. He was looking around, searching for someone, and I was sure that he was searching for me.

"Took you long enough," I said, not leaving my spot. I dropped the cigarette into the ashtray that Vander had left for me, making sure that it wouldn't catch anything else on fire. "Was wondering when you were going to come out."

Brickson tensed and didn't look at me. "You shouldn't be here," he said, his voice shaking. Not only was his voice shaking, but his body was as well, and I could tell that he wanted to walk away but couldn't.

I snorted and held back an eye roll. "It's you who shouldn't be here," I replied coldly. "I'm surprised that he even let you back there."

"I have my ways," he replied, and I growled out a warning, not caring that he was my mate. "Money talks, and some people listen to it. I thought you knew that, Miss Rice." He tsked and shook his head.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose, feeling exhausted. However, I knew that I wouldn't be able to go to bed, not until I had contacted the king and found out more information about what was going on. "Son of a bitch needs to learn not to listen to money," I muttered, and he snorted, nodding his head in agreement. I glared at my mate and narrowed my eyes at him. "Especially to dickheads."

Brickson turned his head towards me. His back was still turned to me, but I could see a small smirk on his face covered by the shadow of his hood. "So, are you talking about yourself?" he asked.

"Considering that they know me, no," I replied. "I'm talking about you."

"I have my ways," he said.

"Killing people is not a way to make friends. Trust me, I know." I glanced at the door to make sure that no one was there before walking towards him. I had a feeling that he was being controlled, so my job now was one, to stop him from being controlled, and two, find out who was doing the controlling.

"Get away from me," Brickson said, a growl in his voice. "I am going to kill you."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Please, like you can kill me," I said. I knew I was on murky waters, but I needed to see how much control he was under.

Like regular Alphas, Alphas, with this power, had control over the pack. However, unlike regular Alphas, they could control other Alphas as well as people from other packs. If he was controlled by an Alpha, he had no choice to do their bidding, especially if they did something with pain.

"Take a step back," Brickson said. "Please." Pain filled his voice, and I had a feeling that whoever controlled him used pain as the main thing.

I took multiple steps back until my back was at the wall and leaned against it. I watched as he relaxed but did not turn towards me. "So," I said, raising an eyebrow and folding my arms across my chest. "Care to explain what you can?"

"How do you know about them?"

"Met a few. What do you think?" I asked. "Some are good, and some are bad. Simple as that."

He shook his head and chuckled bitterly. "Point me to a good one," he said bitterly. "They all use people for their own gain."

"Are some people alive?" I asked, ignoring the breaking in my heart. If only he knew...

Brickson stiffened. "Yes," he said, grounding his teeth through the pain. "Some are alive."

"Ok. Is it easier in the mornings?"

"Sometimes, as long as they don't do a command for the mornings."

"Good, good. I am guessing that means the person might be a male and nearby. Maybe an Alpha." I watched as Brickson's back tighten more and nodded my head. "I want to see them, the rest of them," I said, changing the subject.

"He's there. He won't allow it," Brickson said. His back relaxed because I had changed the subject and didn't push him for other information.

"Too fucking bad. He can't deny me access there or to transport them out if they want to leave. You can't either, so don't even try."

"And why not?"

"They're under my care and protection," I replied. "If I had it my way, I would kill you where you stand." I watched as his back tightened again. "But, it seems to me that I have bigger fish to go after."

"You won't be able to. They're dangerous."

"So am I," I replied. I looked at the door when it opened and saw Jack standing there, looking between Brickson and me with wide eyes. "Here," I said, tossing him my keys. "Go to my truck and stay there. I'll be there when I am done."

Jack looked at Brickson and then at me. His face was pale, and I could tell that he didn't like that idea. He didn't trust Brickson with me. He was scared that I would be killed, too, even though he knew that I was a fighter. "But..."

"Go," I said. "I'll be fine."

Jack nodded his head and literally ran to my truck. He hopped in and locked the doors as if he was afraid Brickson would kill him.

"He's afraid of me." There was a small bit of pain in his voice, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"Damn right, he is," I said. "I am sure that they are all afraid of you."

Brickson winced but didn't reply, confirming my suspicion.

"Well," I said, patting my jeans and getting up from the wall. "I will see you at eight in the morning at my cabin. Don't be late." I started to walk away.

"What?" Brickson asked, sounding shocked.

"I will see you at eight in the morning. Don't be late," I said again. "Don't make me repeat myself a third time. I hate repeating myself."

"But, you just said to meet you at eight at your cabin. Why?"

"Well, it is my duty to check on them, so I am going to check on them," I replied. "I'll get the paperwork for it and tell the guards to let you through."

"How are you going to get the paperwork so quickly? It can take you days to get information from the right people."

"I have my ways," I replied. I signaled Jack to unlock the truck door and opened it when he did. I paused, getting into the truck, and looked back at my mate. "I would suggest you don't ask questions. The less you know, the less you have to report, and the more of an advantage I have."

Brickson didn't look at me but nodded his head. "I will see you at eight," he confirmed.

"Don't be late." And with that, I closed the door and drove off. I now had information that the person who was controlling Brickson was a male and an Alpha, and he was close.

Now all I had to figure out who it was and save everyone without using my powers. I just hoped that there was a way because if there wasn't, I had no idea what I would do.

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