Chapter 10

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I opened the door to my house and walked in, followed by Jack. I wasn't surprised to see Hunter on the couch watching television because he did that when I was out late but would be back.

I bit back a smile as my German Shepherd lifted his head when I walked in but growled softly when he saw the person behind me. "Shush," I said, flicking my wrist and narrowed my eyes at my dog, dissatisfied with his growling.

Kyler grumbled but laid back down. He kept his eyes on the other male, and I could tell that he was dissatisfied about the new person that appeared in the house with me. However, he wouldn't do anything without me telling him, and I was glad he would not attack the dog.

Hunter paused the television and turned to look at me. He furrowed his brows when he saw Jack standing behind me and then looked back at me. "Is he one?" he asked, and I nodded my head. He looked back at Jack before looking at me. "Did you find out what happened?"

Again, I nodded my head, staying silent.

He huffed when I didn't answer him and scowled, not liking my silence. "And?" he pressed, raising an eyebrow. "What happened?"

"And, we will talk about it later," I said. I nodded towards Jack. "He needs clothes and stuff. Get him situated before calling Joel. We're going to need his help."

Hunter scowled and narrowed his eyes at me. He hated Joel with a passion. He always had since the first time he had met the Warlock. "And, why can't you?" he asked, letting me hear the dissatisfaction in his voice.

"I have someone else to call and inform as to what had happened," I replied. "And, I need to get information that you can't get."

Hunter groaned. "But, I don't have a phone," he said. "How am I supposed to call Joel if I don't have one. And isn't it kind of early to call?"

I didn't reply as I walked over to the counter with Jack trailing after me. I stayed silent as I rummaged through some of the drawers before pulling out a cellphone box. "Call him and don't download Candy Crush," I said, tossing the box to him. "If I found out that you have, then I will give you a flip phone."

Hunter opened the box and took out the cellphone. "When did you get this?" he asked, reaching forward to where his broken cellphone laid. He placed his information into the new phone before looking at me. "Well?"

"I got it a couple of months ago," I replied. "I had a feeling that you were going to destroy another of those damn phones playing that stupid game."

"It's not stupid," Hunter muttered. He jabbed his chin towards Jack. "Is he the only one from the group?" he asked.

"No," I replied, and Jack tensed behind me because I did not tell him that. I placed my hands behind my back and looked at him. "I have some reports that there are others alive. However, I need paperwork to get them as well as get them away from the person."

"Do you know where they are being held?" Hunter asked, and I nodded my head in confirmation. He cocked his head and waited for me to tell him something and huffed when I didn't. "Where?"

"Rather not say," I replied, and he scowled. I nodded to Jack, and Hunter looked at him. "That's Jack. Get him settled into the guest bedroom for the night. I think there are clean clothes for him in that room."

Hunter groaned but stood from his seat, knowing that I would not tell him anything until I talked to the people I needed to talk to. "And call Joel, I will," he said. "If that Warlock curses me, I am going to yell at you."

"You do that anyway." I gave him a pointed look, and he shrugged his shoulder. I shook my head and huffed before I looked at Jack. "Go with him. He won't hurt you."

Jack hesitated but nodded his head. He walked towards Hunter but stopped and looked at me. "You said you are going to get them out, right?" he asked, and I nodded my head in confirmation. "How?"

"I am going to call someone and get paperwork delivered to me," I replied. "Don't worry; they will be safe."

"Promise?" Jack asked, his voice filled with hope.



I climbed up to the roof and took out my phone, knowing full well that the man I would contact would answer it as soon as I called him. With a tired sigh, I sat down on the roof and looked out at the night sky, feeling at peace.

My whole body was relaxed, but I knew that wouldn't last as the call started to ring and ring. Warning bells started to go off in my head, and I couldn't help but start to get worried because he wasn't answering off the bat like I thought he would.

Finally, after a couple of minutes, someone picked up the phone. Harsh whispers sounded from the other end, and I could pick up both the king and his mate, arguing about him answering the phone.

"Kellum? Is that you?" someone, a female, asked, and I heard another person groan out in dissatisfaction because of her answering.

I raised an eyebrow, relieved that nothing bad happened, and they were having some "fun time" with each other, and that was why he hadn't answered me. "Yes, Your Highness," I said. "It is me. Did I interrupt something?"

"Yes, but it is ok, we were almost done," the queen, Selene, said. "Here is Roland." She handed the phone to her mate, and I could hear her whispering for him not to hang up on me unless he didn't want to have any sex for a while.

"What do you want?" he asked grumpily. "Oow, Sel," he scowled when his mate slapped him. "What was that for?"

"That was for you being rude, Rol," she replied. "Be nice to the poor girl. She could make your life miserable."

Roland muttered something underneath his breath before yelling 'oow' as his mate hit him again.

"I wouldn't make his life miserable, Your Highness. I am sure that you can do that better than me," I mused, and she snorted while her mate grumbled. "However, I do need to speak to you privately, Sire," I added, changing the subject. "If you can step out of the room, I'd be more than grateful."

There was silence on the other side of the phone before Roland sighed. "Ok," he said, not even questioning me. "I am guessing it is that bad, huh?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," I replied. "I wouldn't be calling you and interrupting your... "me time" with your mate."

"Ok, let me get to my office because I have a feeling you are going to need me to do something. Is that correct?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Ok, let me get to my office and call you back on that phone. I won't be long."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course, Your Majesty," I said, letting him hear my dissatisfaction. I knew that he wanted to record my call, so he wanted to use his other phone.

"Five minutes," he promised. "I will call you back in five minutes." And with that, he hung up the phone.

I scowled and looked at the phone before looking up at the sky. "It better be five minutes," I warned, "or else my next stop is up there to see what you are doing."

And with that, I waited for him to call me back so I could inform him what had transpired the day before.

Hopefully, Hunter was having more success than me. We both needed it.

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