Chapter 1

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After the Maze, went back to his old life before the Maze. Where his name was Stiles Stilinski. He lived in a town called Beacon Hills. Thomas and his few friends from the Maze went with him. His friends decided to get a house outside the town but visit Thomas every once in a while. When he got there, he was greeted with hugs and worries about where he was for 3 months. He lies to them but saying that he didn't remember anything and found himself sitting on the road and found his way here. Part of that statement was true. The part about sitting on the road was true. He had woke up and found a slash mark on his side and the guys found him. It's been able a month since he came back and he's been hanging out with his pack. They include Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Malia Tate/Hale, Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey, Liam Dunbar, Kira Yukimura, and Mason Hewitt. There are other people but they're not in pack. Thomas has been happy to see them but he started to become depressed because of all the friends he lost back in the Maze and the Scorch. Alby, Winston, Chuck, Teresa, and Newt. He blamed himself for their deaths.

Stiles POV

Ever since I got back, I've been feeling depressed. Yeah I was happy to see my best friend Scott. My brother. But I keep thinking about all the people I lost. I can't help but think about how I could have saved them. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door. I look up to see that it's my father.

"Hey kiddo. You doing ok?"

"Yeah. I'm good. Just thinking."

"Alright. You need to get ready for school."

I grab my stuff for school and run downstairs out to my jeep. I start the car and drove to school. I soon arrived and got out the car and someone jumps on me. I flip them over and pin them to the ground to see that it was just Malia. And everyone just stares at us.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Malia."

"It's ok. Wow, you're strong."

"I'm sorry, it's just you scared me."

"Stiles, I'm fine. See."

Then Scott walks up to us.

"Whoa Stiles. When did you learn how to do that?"

"I don't remember. Alright, lets get back to the Deadpool list."

I pull out the list and show it to Scott and Malia.

"Right. Who found the list?" Malia asked.

"Lydia," I replied back.


"She wrote it. Actually she transcribed it without realizing it."



"Beautiful. Alright, what are these numbers next to the names?"

"We're getting to that. First you need to know that the code was broken with a cipher key."

"Wait, you mean, like a key word."

"It's actually a name."

"Allison," Scott said with sadness in his tone.

"Her name broke a third of the list."

"And now we think there's two other cipher keys."

"Which will give us the rest of the names", Malia says. "Okay. How do we get the cipher keys?"

"Same way we got the code. Alright, let's finish this conversation later. We don't want anyone to over hear us."

Now I'm sitting in Economics class looking over the photos of the people on the list who had been killed. Then Coach hits my desk with the Lacrosse stick to get my attention.

"You know, Stilinski, if I could grade you on how profoundly you disturb me, you'd be an A plus student."

"Thanks Coach."

"Put those pictures away."

As coach starts walking away, I noticed the bottom of it and look back at the photo. 'It's a lacrosse player.' Scott looks at me with worry and I whisper knowing he could hear me. "Scott, it's a lacrosse player. The killer is on the team." Then I started feeling weird. I look down at me hands seeing that they were shaking and starting to glow. I hid them but I felt pain, so I got up and started running out the room hiding my hands in my hoodie. Coach yells out my name, but I keep running down the hall to the bathroom. I lock the entrance to the bathroom and check to see if anyone was in the stalls. There was nobody. I walk over to the sink and turn on the water putting my hands under it. Soon the pain and the glowing stop. I hear a loud bang at the door and Scott trying to get in. I cover my ears to block out the noise. The noise stops as I slowly walk towards the door unlocking it to see Scott and coach standing there. Scott gives me the look of 'are you ok?' I nod my head and we headed back to class. When we enter the classroom, everyone stares at me. Luckily the bell rings and everyone leaves. I grab my bag walking out the school to my car. Scott calls out my name but I start driving away before he could get to me. I'm driving down a road then I stop, getting out of the car to see I'm at a house that looked old and abandoned cause of wood that looks like it's about to break if you touch it. I go around the house to the backyard and I see something laying in the grass. It gets up and starts running into the woods and I follow it. Then I felt pain in my shoulder. I look to see that it's bleeding and there's a bullet hole. I turn around and saw nothing. I look back at my shoulder and see there's nothing there. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain on my chest and fall to the ground screaming. I lay down on the ground looking up at the sky and my vision starts to blur. Right before I pass out, a man in a black cloak comes up to me looking over me. He leans down putting his hand down on my chest and says, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Tommy." Before I could say anything, the figure disappears and my dad is standing over me. I blackout. 

When I woke up, I was sitting in a hospital. I look to see Scott and Kira laying on each other. I smile and try to sit up but the pain in my chest stops me and I groan which wakes Scott and Kira. So I pretend to be asleep. I hear Scott sigh and say, "Stiles, I know you're awake." I slowly open my eyes and look at him.

"Hey Scotty. How are you?"

"Hey man. Are you ok?"

"Besides the headache, I'm fine."

"Stiles, why were you in the woods?"

"I don't know. Did you guys find the second list yet?"

"Yeah. We'll show you it when you're checked out."

I was about to question it when Melissa walks in.

"Hey Stiles."

"Hey Melissa."

"We ran a few tests and saw that you were just dehydrated. Make sure to drink lots of water. You are now free to go."

"Stiles, meet us at Derek's loft and we'll explain everything there."

I got up and changed into my clothes and Melissa decided to give me a lift since her shift was over. When we got there and walked up the stairs opening the door, I saw that everyone was there. 

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