Chapter 2

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When I walked in, everyone was quiet. I slowly walk over to the couch and sat down waiting for someone to say something.

"So", Scott said clearing his throat. "We found the second list and . . . here Stiles."

The list said:



Noshiko Yukimura   5

Joanne McLaughlin   1

Steve Grace   1

Tom Hill   1

Brett Tablot   1

Reed Schall   250

Richard Benefield   250

Jack Marsland   250

Joy Waldrop   250

Stiles Stilinski   250

Jordan Parrish   5

When I saw my name, I was surprised. I look up to see everyone staring at me.

"Why is your name on the list Stiles?" Scott asked. I shake my head. "I don't know. This doesn't make sense. I'm not supernatural."

"It could be because you were possessed," Melissa spoke out. "They might still think you're possessed."

"She's right", Derek said. "That could be the reason."

"That actually makes sense. They might not know that I'm not possessed anymore. But that's bad."

"Why is it bad?" Scott asked.

"Because assassins will start to come after me."

"Alright. We'll protect you Stiles."

"Scott buddy, as much as I love you, you don't need to protect me. I can protect myself. I'll see you guys later."

The Next Day 

Lacrosse game

3rd person

Scott and Kira sit on the bench looking out in the field.

"Nervous?" Scott asks Kira.

"About someone trying to kill us? Or about playing my first game?"


"Definitely both."

Stiles comes in talking to his dad on the phone.

"Hey dad, you're supposed to be here. Where the hell are you?"

"I'm leaving now. And this conversation isn't getting me there any quicker."

Stiles hangs up.

"Why do I feel like this is going to end badly?" Kira says nervously.

"Because it usally does," Stiles replies back. Scott comes up to them.

"Kira, you keep an eye on Garrett. I'll watch out for Liam."

"Yeah, I'm just gonna try to play Lacrosse. All right."

Scott runs up to Brett.

"Brett, I know you guys feel like you owe Liam some payback for what he did but could you just hold off for one night? Trust me. One night."

"Yeah, I can do that."


He chuckles. "No."

The game contiued until Brett and Liam hit each other really hard. Liam had a broken arm and Scott popped it back. Brett was taken into the school and Scott and Stiles followed. When they got there, Brett was on the ground. Scott went up to him and Brett opened his eyes looking up. Then Violet jumps out and start choking me with a wire. Scott starts to run to me but trips so I grab her arm and twist it putting it behind her back. She pushes me back and tries to kick me but I move out the way. I punch her as hard as I could in the face and she falls back. Scott pats me on the back.

"I guess you weren't lying when you said you could defend yourself."

"Scott, call your dad and tell him what happened but not everything."

Soon the cops arrive and take Violet away. Agent McCall walks up to us and says, "What happened here?"

"I don't know," I replied. "We walked in to see this people and Brett on the ground and Violet attacks me and tries to choke me with a wire. We started fighting and I knocked her out."

"Wait, you were fighting her? And you won?"

"Yes. Why is that so surprising?"

"Don't know. Alright, we'll deal with her. She tried to choke you with a wire?" I nod. "Let me see it."

I hand him the wire and he looks at it. His face expression changes and he walks over to Violet. Scott and I look at each other confused then turned back to his dad. Then I was able to listen to them clearly as if they were right next to me.

"Thermo-cut wire's... a very unusual weapon, Violet. Now, we've got a file at the bureau on something similar. Used in over a dozen murders."

Violet smirks and says, "I don't know what you're talking about. I just go to school here."

"Maybe we should call your parents then. Oh, no... That's right. You don't have parents. That's why they call you The Orphans."

Violet's smirk drops and the officer takes her away. McCall turns to another deputy. "We need to find her boyfriend, Garrett.

The Animal Clinic

Brett starts thrashing around on the table as we all tried to hold him down to get the wolfsbane out of his body. 

"What the hell is happening to this kid?"

"He's been poisoned by a rare wolfsbane. I need to make an incision and you need to hold him as still as possible," Deaton said.

After Doc does his thing, we all let go and watched him. Then I noticed he was mumbling. I walked up closer to hear him saying, "The sun... The moon... The truth." And he kept repeating it over and over. I gasp and fall to the floor as I had a vision.

I was in the forest and saw a body sitting there. I got up to it to find black blood coming out of their eyes, mouth, nose, and ears. I look up to see more bodies like this. Each one of top of each other. I saw that each body had a symbol on their hand of a symbol of ovals of descending size stacked upon one another.Then I heard an echo of someone calling out my name.


I wake up to find Scott, Deaton, Derek, Peter and Brett standing over me. They help me sit up and I lean against the table. 

"Stiles, are you ok?" Deaton asked.

"Yeah. I'm good. What happened?" I said pretending not to know anything.

"You passed out. Brett was whispering something and you fell over. What happened?"

"I don't know."

"Alright. Why don't you all go home and get some rest. It's late."

I go home and head up to my bed flopping onto my bed. I soon fall asleep thinking about what happened at the clinic.

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