Chapter 5: A Naive Vow

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Namjoon was in such a daze that he barely remembered the car ride on the way to Mirai's home

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Namjoon was in such a daze that he barely remembered the car ride on the way to Mirai's home.

He didn't say a word since the tall man who was now driving had come to save them from those kidnappers.

Mirai was just as silent for the first part of the ride until she finally let out a couple of muffled sobs.

''Are you alright young lady?'' the driver asked worryingly.

The girl nodded, visibly trying her hardest to stop herself from crying.

''Of course you're alright, a brave young lady like you can handle anything...'' the man said in a comforting tone while the girl kept on crying in silence, but the movement of her shoulders betraying her sobs.

Namjoon looked at Mirai and his heart felt like it got torn apart. Seeing her crying really was the worst.

He tried to stay strong, but by the time they were at the Kuromiya residence he was crying too.

He wiped his tears as the driver opened the car door and guided them inside of the traditional Japanese style manor. The place was big enough to be a hotel or a resort, but Namjoon felt too numb to be impressed at the moment.

They got into a big office where an older man in traditional clothes was sitting.

As soon as they came in, the man got up and Mirai jumped in his arms, now balling her eyes out, but still managing to muffle her sobs.

The man looked to be in his advanced forties, with salt and pepper hair and a stern face. Immediately, Namjoon recognised his eyes.

They were exactly like Mirai's, with upturned corners and an unexplainable wildness to them.

The man said some reassuring words in Japanese while rubbing the girl's back and his sleeve rolled up on his arm, revealing that every centimeter of his skin was covered in colorful tattoos.

It was the first time Namjoon had seen tattoos in real life since they were so taboo in Korea, especially for someone like Namjoon who came from a good family.

Even small tattoos were often wrongfully associated with gangs and criminals, but big tattoos like these, on a rich man dressed in traditional Japanese attire, who just so happened to employ men who carried guns around could only mean one thing.

Namjoon might have been young but he wasn't stupid.

That man, who he had deducted to be Mirai's father, was a Yakuza boss.

Mirai was still crying in her father's arms when the man looked up to the man in suit that had saved them.

''What happened?'' the yakuza leader asked, fire burning in his gaze.

Namjoon felt like his blood had turned solid. What was going to happen to him after he had put this man's daughter in danger?

''It's Mirai's fault... Mirai wanted to go to the park...'' the girl explained between her sobs, before the bodyguard could speak.

''Two bastards tried to take her in their van. They would have probably succeeded if the kids hadn't put up so much of a fight. The boy could have run, but he tried to help the young lady.''

Mr. Kuromiya's expression softened and he let go of Mirai to look at Namjoon.

''You must be Namjoon, the school friend Mirai keep on talking about. You're a brave young man; my daughter could always use brave men by her side... Your shouldn't have gone to the parc without proper supervision. Still, I think the both of you got enough of a scare to learn your lesson, so I'll let this slide if you promise to never do something like this again...'' the man explained with a stern voice but no anger in his eyes.

''Promise...'' Mirai said, while wiping her eyes.

''I swear we won't do it again, Mister.'' Namjoon said, still nervous to face the dangerous looking man.

''Neither of them seem hurt, but I'll still have Dr. Kim come and make sure they're really okay. Children can go into shock quite easily... Takahashi, call the boy's parents to let them know he's staying over for dinner. I'd rather they don't go play outside until the doctor said they're clear so have them installed in the tea room for now. That will be all.'' The man said calmly before kissing the girl's forehead and sitting back behind his office.

Namjoon had never met a man like Mr. Kuromiya before. He was stern, but much less cold than his own father. He radiated confidence and his every word felt like an order without him having to even raise his voice. With his long, backcombed hair, his tattoos and his intimidating gaze, he had just become Namjoon's definition of cool.

The bodyguard bowed and opened the door, gesturing for the kids to exit the room and both obliged, following the bodyguard to the tea room. It was a big room with huge windows and a low table, surrounded by cushions.

On the back wall, there was a large bookshelf that immediately peaked Namjoon's curiosity. When he had a house one day, he wanted a bookshelf that big!

Hopefully some of the books there would be in Korean, after a day like this, the only thing he felt like doing was to sit down and read a good book...

An old lady came in the room with a tray that she put on the table.

''Camomile infusion. For calming your minds.'' The woman croaked with a thick Japanese accent over her Korean.

''Thank you...'' Namjoon said as the woman exited the room.

They both sat down on cushions either side of the table. They hadn't exchanged a word since the incident and breaking the silence was harder than anticipated for Namjoon. He grabbed the tea-pot and shakily tried to pour himself a cup, but accidentally spilled most of the warm liquid outside of the cup.

He heard a chuckle coming from Mirai as she took the kettle from him to correctly pour two cups for them.

Being such a klutz made him feel like an idiot, but if it made Mirai smile, it was worth it.

''Mirai is very sorry...'' the girl said suddenly serious.

''I'm sorry too...'' Namjoon said as confusion grew in the girl's eyes.

''Why? It was Mirai's fault...'' she said while looking down.

''It wasn't your fault. It was the bad men's fault... ''Namjoon corrected.

''Then why you apologise?'' the girl asked.

''Because I wasn't able to protect you. I'm done crying and running away, I promise I'll become stronger, to protect you.''Namjoon said with a reassuring smile.

''You're not mad at Mirai? You still wanna be Mirai's friend!?'' the girl exclaimed happily.

''Of course! We made a promise didn't we? We'll always be together.'' Namjoon said, confidently.

Author's note:

Two children who inocently swore they would never part couldn't possibly imagne how painfull it would be to keep their words... What could have turned them from such sweethearts to ruthless crime bosses?

Next chapter, we'll be back in the present to hopefully find some answer and delight in the only upgrade in Mirai and Namjoon's relationship; so much sexual tension...

Thank you so much for reading, hope you enjoyed and see you next chapter! ;3

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