Chapter 19: Engagement Party (Part 2)

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Mirai struggled to hide her disappointment when she realised the reception was taking in place in the manor's ballroom. She should have known better than to expect actually leaving this place...

Like in most events like these, the mood was stuffy and conversations rarely more interesting that small talk... Mirai's cheeks were burning from forcing so many fake smiles and accepting people's congratulations over her engagement.

The crowd was almost exclusively comprised of the cream of the cream of Korea's criminal elite. This involved many important local ''businessmen'' as well as representants from the international community that had shares on the Korean market.

The Japanese yakuzas were numerous as well as some foreign groups such as a couple of men from the Sicilian mafia, some drug cartels and of course the Russian mafia.

Mirai wanted to speak to her men, but Namjoon wouldn't let go of her arm for even a minute and with his ears in the way she couldn't risk saying anything to them....

A tall blond man with cheeks red from alcohol came up to Namjoon and shook his hand in his bear like one.

''Helloh Mrrr. Kim. Lovely parrrty. Lovely woman. Congrrrats.'' the man said in broken English with a strong Russian accent.

Namjoon replied to him in English also but the man's next sentence was impossible to understand through his accent.

''Sorry could you repeat a bit slower?'' Namjoon said, a bit uncomfortable.

Mirai laughed and said something in a language Namjoon could only assumed to be Russian.

The blond man proceeded to laugh loudly while Namjoon had the strong feeling he was the butt of the joke.

''Yourrr fiancée; funny woman. Good to marrry!'' the Russian man complimented Namjoon before leaving.

''What did you tell him?'' Namjoon whispered to Mirai.

''I said: ''Forgive my fiancé, he fucks fast and thinks slow.'' '' Mirai admitted with a satisfied smile.

Namjoon nearly choked on his champagne.

''You're joking right?''

''Russian humour is a bit cruder than what you're used to. He wasn't offended don't worry.''

''I'm not worried about him being offended I'm worried about our Russians partners thinking I'm dumb and a bad lover!''

''Too bad you don't know Russian so you can't fix that misunderstanding yourself...'' Mirai said with a devilish smirk.

Namjoon rubbed his temples. Mirai really was bent on the idea of making this night as painfull as she could for him.

''How come you even speak Russian?'' he asked, dumbfounded.

''My first fiancé was Russian.'' She replied plainly.

He did hear her family was pursuing business with some Russians, but had never heard of an engagement. It made him angrier than it should have to know some jerk had proposed to her before he could.

''You were engaged before?!'' Namjoon asked, in disbelief.

''The Russian mafia gets stronger and stronger through the years, it was a good match, I had nobility and reputation and he had money and power. Shame he was an ass.'' Mirai said a dark smile creeping up on her lips.

''Since you didn't get married, I can only guess something happened... I never heard of it, that means the whole affair stayed pretty quiet. You killed him, didn't you?'' Namjoon deduced, looking at Mirai with mixed feelings.

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