Chapter 15 : Captivity

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Mirai had been raised in the yakuza so she had been taught how to resist a wild variety of torture methods through the years, but there was one thing she could never deal with; boredom.

Once again, Namjoon had seen right through her.

She would have preferred waterboarding over being locked alone in his comfy room.

He was toying with her like a cat with a mouse. She was used to that type of games, but she had rarely been the mouse...

She looked through his room for some kind of weapon or tool, but yet again; Namjoon was infuriatingly meticulous. She had access to a spacious bathroom and she did enjoy her long hot bath, but now she was stuck reading one of Namjoon's books.

Not that she particularly hated reading, she was just so used to being busy and working all day that she felt like her precious time was going to waste.

But the worst of it all was that a part of her was eager for Namjoon to come back.

Captivity was quick to mess with people's brain...

She was so bored at this point that even though Namjoon was the last person she wanted to see, she was still excited at the thought of finally seeing someone...

When she heard someone unlock the door after hours of silence, her heart leaped into her chest and she had to fight herself not to look happy to see him; that would have just inflated his disproportionate ego even more.

Namjoon came in the room with a bottle of wine and a smug smile.

''How is my princess doing? Happy to see me?''

Mirai sat up on the bed and replied with a dark glare.

Totally ignoring her silent threat, Namjoon poured the both of them two glasses of red wine and handed one over to Mirai.

She grabbed the glass and started drinking it, maybe alcohol could numb her enough for this whole thing to be a bit more bearable...

Namjoon looked at her and smiled. He looked so good that it somehow managed to make her angrier at him; how dared such a handsome man by such a jerk. Life really was unfair!

''I love that on you...''

Mirai looked down at herself, she was only wearing pyjamas; a simple black satin tank top and matching short.

''You have weak fashion tastes...'' she commented, earning a laugh from Namjoon.

''You look great whatever you wear, but I'm not talking about the clothes, I'm talking about this...'' the man said, leaning forward and caressing the bruise on her neck.

He was admiring the hickey he had left on her like it was a work of art. As he leaned closer in an attempt to kiss it, Mirai pushed against his chest.

''Don't you dare come closer...''

''You're angry at me, uh?'' Namjoon said like it wasn't obvious enough for the girl he was keeping captive to be the slightest bit pissed at him.

''Angry is an understatement.'' Mirai said before downing the rest of her glass.

''Mirai... I don't think you're seeing this situation the way it is...'' Namjoon said calmly.

''You kidnapped me and you took my place at the head of my family's clan. What part am I getting wrong?'' Mirai replied.

''I kidnapped you because you would have started a gang war over refusing to marry me... You should actually be thanking me for taking your place at the head of your clan.'' Namjoon said, putting his cup of wine aside to rub his temples, the way he always did when he was annoyed.

''I was raised to become head of the Kuromiya clan from the moment I was born. Despite being a girl I've managed to earn my place as a leader at the price of a life of effort and you took it away from me!'' Mirai snapped back.

''You never wanted to be a yakuza leader!'' Namjoon replied, grabbing Mirai by the shoulders roughly. ''You were born in that crazy life, you never had a choice. Aren't you sick of fighting to prove yourself? Can't you understand? I'm offering you a way out.'' Namjoon explained.

It was true she never asked to be a yakuza leader, but she did grow up to enjoy what she did. Not only that but she was good at it and her men trusted in her...

''I can't live the rest of my life locked in here!'' Mirai replied.

''This life with me, it's not a prison; it's a paradise. I'll give you everything you could ever want. You won't have to lift a finger for the rest of your life... Is it really that hard to believe that I want you to be happy?'' the man explained with such conviction that a small part of Mirai was tempted to believe him...

Namjoon was a convincing man, but if he had managed to convince himself that kidnapping her was the way to make her happy, he was even crazier than what Mirai had thought. She had to get him to snap out of his delusions fast, because if he really wanted to, he was smart enough to get her to start believing them too...

''This plan you have might make a girl happy, but I'm not that girl... I don't know where you got the idea that you could transform me into your own little trophy wife?''

''What's so wrong about being my wife? You don't have to change a thing; I've always loved you the way you were! You used to be in love with me, didn't you? You were mine and we were happy... Why can't you give me a chance at making you happy once again?'' Namjoon said louder than before, Mirai could swear his eyes were swelling up.

''Just try.... please... just try...'' he pleaded leaning his head on her shoulder.

Namjoon buried his face into her neck and desperately clung to her. He was silent but she felt a cold tear run down her chest.

She hadn't seen Namjoon cry since he was a small child.

For an instant, he sounded exactly like the scared bullied boy she had once helped out.

''Alright oppa... I'll try...'' Mirai said soothingly as she wrapped an arm around his back.


Author's note:

Even those who act tough have their soft spots... 

They might be mafia material, but when it comes to eachothers; Mirai and Namjoon are SOOOFT!

Hope you liked this sweet little chapter! Enjoy this fuzzy feeling while it last, because the next one might not be quite as heartwarming! ;P

As usual, thank you soo much for reading and have a super day! :D

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