Chapter 26 : Bend or Break

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Mirai got back inside the manor to the sound of broken glass and Namjoon yelling and swearing in his office.

''I think he found out...'' she thought out loud.

''Found out what?'' Hoseok asked, confused.

''That I smuggled my father out of the country.'' Mirai explained calmly.

Hoseok grunted and rubbed his temples.

''You should go to your room, if he sees you right now even I won't be able to protect you from him...''

''You're probably right...'' Mirai said, deciding that keeping a low profile wouldn't be so bad for once.

She was heading for her room when the office door flew open and Namjoon stormed out.

''WHERE IS SHE!?'' he yelled before seeing her on the other side of the corridor.

Just from the look of sheer fury in his eyes, Mirai could tell keeping a low profile was a lost cause. Her first instinct was to run and hide in their shared room but she was petrified by just how scary Namjoon looked at that moment.

It took him a fraction of a second to close the space between them and grab Mirai by the arm, hard enough to bruise.

''Calm the fuck down, you're hurting me!'' Mirai winced.

Hoseok appeared next to the man. ''How about I accompany your fiancé to her room instead?'' he suggested, with a worried look at Namjoon's grip on the girl's arm.

Namjoon didn't even spare a glance at him before dragging Mirai him behind towards their room by her arm. Hoseok gave Mirai a sympathetic look, he was powerless.

''I can walk on my own let go of my arm!''

''Shut up.'' Namjoon spat before practically throwing her inside of the room and closing the door behind them.

Mirai almost fell down from his harsh shove but she managed to stay upright and regain a semblance of composure. She had to get him to calm down, he was getting scary.

''Look, I know you're angry-'' Mirai started.

''Angry? You haven't seen angry yet!'' Namjoon interrupted the girl.

''You didn't give me a choice. My father is my only family, I had to get him out of this mess!'' Mirai explained trying not to answer to Namjoon's screaming with screaming of her own.

''How dare you use my trust to plot behind my back!''

''How dare you use my father as a hostage to manipulate me!'' Mirai replied her tone rising.

''He wasn't a hostage!'' Namjoon yelled.

''Yeah of course and you're not keeping me captive here!'' Mirai snapped back sarcastically.

Namjoon's expression turned dark and he grabbed Mirai by the collar of her shirt.

''I've had enough of this little attitude of yours. You think you're captive; I'll show you what captive means! I treated you like a princess but since you want to see me as a bad guy this much I'll have to oblige and act the part...

''Needless to say you're confined to my room again, this time around you won't be free of your schedule tho, you will be supervised every second of everyday and your every act will be in accordance with my will.

''You are not to talk unless spoken to, you are not to take any level of initiative, no matter how small, you are not allowed interaction with anyone but me.

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