Chapter 1

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Finally the house was ready. All renovated, painted walls, furnished and tidy. The only thing left was to cover the well in the basement, but that she would do later, the whole moving making her more concerned about holes in the roof than a basement with half a dozen rats. She was exhausted just by thinking of unpacking all those boxes, but she would be able to do it in a few weeks.

Moving to Neibolt had been the best decision of her life. She would be close to work and could have at least one pet to keep her company.

The days went by and in all of them, something supernatural happened in the house. The basement door kept opening, it had been locked before, things out of place, and especially the feeling of being watched. (Y/n) had never cared for ghosts, she was afraid of the living, not of the dead. She continued her days normally, already accustomed to the events.

Until one day, she came home early from work. When she comes near the house, she hears a loud noise, thinking that it was some thief, she ran through the back door, picking up an old pipe, that had been changed during the renovation, and entering the house. Slowly and carefully the girl walks from the kitchen into the living room, not seeing anything out of the ordinary. But a glass was broken, from which the noise had come. She did accept the ghost tinkering with her things, but breaking it? That was too much!

She dropped the pipe beside the kitchen counter and went to fetch a shovel and a broom in the basement. She walked quickly to the door, but stopped when she saw movement. The door moved slowly, making a click when it closed completely. The girl came back and picked up the pipe again. She had seen enough horror movies to know that it would not end well. She opened the door quickly, seeing nothing at first. She turned on the light and went downstairs, her body freezing with every step. Still in the middle of the stairs, she could see the well and saw, clearly, a white hand coming loose. She ran to the well, did the thief think he could hide there and fell?! She looked into the darkness of the hole, but saw nothing, she was afraid of having a dead body down there. Her body froze in front of the well. Should she call the police? No, that would only increase the rumors. What if she closed the well? Well, the dead man would have to smell badly for a few days before he could put something on it. She didn't know what to do, her head wasn't working right. She thought it best to leave it for the next day, when her head would be clearer.

She dropped the pipe on the floor, the sound scaring her slightly, she climbed up the stairs wearily. She thought of climbing to the second floor, but the sofa looked so inviting at the time. She threw herself on the furniture, making more noise than she intended. She hadn't realized she was so tired until she laid down. And there she stayed until the next day, well, until the first hours of the next day, because another noise woke her up. Her body shakes with fright, she looks around quickly, nothing. It must have been just her imagination. She sits down on the couch, bracing herself to climb the stairs and lie down on her bed.

She stared into the dark for a few seconds, until a low moan caught her off guard. She looked around again, still nothing. She gets up from the sofa and looks around the living room from where the noise came. As he walks out into the hallway, her fear is greater, her knees weaken and she almost falls to the ground. On the floor, next to the basement door, there is a man, more precisely a clown. His body lying on the cold floor, his countenance of pain, but for the (h/c)'s luck the man seemed asleep. She came closer, noticed the flawed makeup and red hair, his once white clothing was covered in dirt and blood. The girl hoped the blood was his. She froze just like in front of the well. Was he dead? Was that the intruder? Was he all right? Several questions rolled her head, making her dizzy, but she controlled her thoughts and made the decision to help him. Thief or not, nobody deserves to be treated that way, even if (Y/n) did not know what had happened to the clown.

The girl walks slowly to the man, afraid that he would wake up at any moment. She touches his shoulder and shakes a little, but he doesn't move. Then she decides to lay him down on the couch. She fumbled a little with his clothes, but she took hold under his arms and lifted him with some difficulty. Dragged the man to the sofa and laid him there. The (h/c) throws herself on the floor beside the sofa, watching the man lying there.

His face was painted white, a red line passed from his mouth to his eyes. The line of his hair was far away, the girl wondered if it was just a wig. His clothes were covered with blood, but she could see they were white before. The man looked almost like a ghost, all white, from head to toe. The girl thought she could help the man, so she ran upstairs to get a medical kit. When she returned to the living room, she looked over the sofa, afraid the clown had moved or was no longer there. But that was not the case, he was there, his expression of pain still present.

She crouched in front of the man, picked up some gauze and drank it in alcohol. Then she began to gently dab over the wounds on his face. Her hands touched his skin, it felt rather dry, but she ignored the sensation. One of the wounds was located near his hair, giving the girl an opening to know if it was real or not. She dropped the gauze on the arm of the couch and put her hand lightly on the man's hair. It started with only a light touch, but the (h/c) soon created courage and ran her fingers through his hair, pulled a little to see if it came out, but it seemed like it was his own. She didn't realize that she was already doing this for a while, but when she noticed she stopped immediately.

She stepped back and remembered the man's clothes, it would probably be best to wash them before it stained. She stared at the clothes for some time, not knowing how to get it out of the clown's body. She put her hands on his torso, somehow trying to find some zipper or button on his clothes, but found nothing. She thought of pulling on his shirt, but that might wake the man.

She thought it best to leave it there, he didn't look bruised on his body, so she didn't have much reason to see if it was true. She sat down again, her back to the couch. She picked up her phone and, as she had lost her sleep, she started reading and playing to kill time. With the silence of the night and the tiredness, the sleep returned quickly, however even though her mind said to stay awake, because of the stranger sleeping on her sofa, her eyes disagreed, closing for more time every minute. Her mind goes out for a few minutes, but she wakes up with a strange noise. Her eyes opened slowly, but with the warm air she felt on her shoulder, she had lost any trace of sleep she might have. The girl feels something wet on her shirt, as if they were drooling in it. She turns her face slowly, thinking of the worst. When she does, her eyes meet the creature's, no, the clown from before, his teeth were about to bite into her flesh. Teeth that weren't there before, and a mouth as large as a tiger's, just hovering over her shoulder, ready to attack. The man- it's eyes were orange and it was the last thing she could see before she passed out.

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