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"Look at the camera, Jin!" Father shouted, clicking his fingers to get the child's attention. "Look at daddy, and put on a big smile, okay?"

Mother held on to the squealing child. Jin was kicking his legs, waving his arms and screaming, making a huge ruckus. But Mother was quick and sharp in making sure no drool stained his clothes, all the effort was made just for one good family picture.

Father attached the camera to the tripod stand. "On the count of ten, Jin! You can do that, right?" Father encouraged as he quickly ran back to take his seat, careful not to knock the tripod over.

Jin nodded eagerly. "I can count! I can count!" He yelled excitedly. "Watch Jin, watch Jin! One, two, six, ten, three, five- what comes after five, mommy? I forgot it."

"Say cheese! Put on your biggest smile, show the camera your teeth!" Father tickled Jin's waist to make the boy laugh right when the flash went off. He scurried off to check the photo, then gave his wife a thumbs-up.

"Alright, up we go!" Mother said as she lifted Jin up to carry him. "Good job with the photo-taking, even though it took us an hour and a whole hundred shots before you finally smiled and looked at the camera. Cheeky boy." She poked Jin's cheek playfully.

Jin giggled and rested on his mother's shoulder. Then, he jerked back up, crossing his arms as if he was going to say something big and important. "Mommy," he said.

"Yeah, Jin?"

"You haven't told me what comes after five."

Mother smiled. "Six."

Jin cocked his head to the side doubtfully. "But six comes after two."

"Three comes after two, not six."

Jin tilted his head to the other side. "But three comes after ten. What comes after five?"

Mother sighed, but she wasn't angry. She was just a little worn out, but she smiled all the same. She propped Jin up and tapped his little nose. "You've got years to figure that out. With a little more practice, you'd be counting to a hundred in no time."

"Really?" Jin clapped his hands. "Am I going to be super smart?"

Father came back just then, with the camera and tripod neatly packed. "Of course you are, Jin. You're going to be super smart, so take things slow. Mommy and Daddy will be here to teach you. You're just two now, so you have plenty of time. We'll take things one step at a time, okay?"

Jin nodded eagerly. "Okay, daddy."

Father smiled. Mother did too. They loved their son, their precious little boy, so, so much.


Jin climbed onto a stool and peered over the bassinet. He took a long look.

"Well, what do you think?" Father prompted cheerfully, holding Jin up so that he could take a better look.

The child stared at the baby in the bassinet. "He's so tiny! He's smaller than me."

"Well, of course he is. You've had more time to grow than Yoongi did."

"His name is Yoongi?" Jin giggled. "It sounds really nice."

Father sat Jin on a chair and carefully carried the baby out of the bassinet. Yoongi didn't even stir when Father rewrapped his blanket around him. He slept soundly, not even the slightest bit bothered by his hyung's excited squeals.

Father gingerly placed Yoongi on Jin's lap, guiding the older child's hand to hold the baby. He watched as Jin gazed at Yoongi. Jin's eyes were full of love, and just by the way he hugged Yoongi close to him, Jin was protective of his little brother.

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