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Field trip day.

The boys gathered in school, clad in gym clothes instead of school uniforms. In the chilly weather, everyone had put on the official school coat, for easy recognition, in case some students went wandering about on their own.

"Stand with your pairs, and get on the bus. Starting from now on, you have to stay with your buddy at all times." Mr Seo reminded. The students lined up orderly and got on the bus in pairs.

"Let's get on first, I want to choose seats." Jin whispered.

But Yoongi hung back. He shot Jin a glance and and shook his head. "Does it matter?" He asked dryly. "It's just seats."

Jin contemplated, then unwillingly agreed.

They waited till the rest of the boys had got on the bus, then they got on. Jin turned to pull Yoongi's hand, but he noticed how Yoongi stiffened when he neared the bus.

Mr Seo emerged from the bus, looking all jaded and exhausted even before the trip started. There had been some yelling in the bus. Jin guessed that some of them had fought over seats.

"Come on, it's just you two." Mr Seo said. "Hurry up."

Jin grabbed Yoongi's hand. It was cold. He looked at the younger worriedly. "Let's get on?" Jin asked.

Yoongi seemed to be thinking twice, but he mumbled, "Yeah."

But again, his body stiffened when he stepped onto the first step of the bus. Yoongi paused, then turned and leapt off. "Hyung, you enter first." He said.

Jin shrugged. He climbed onto the bus, still holding onto Yoongi's wrist. "Come on," He encouraged. "It's not scary. It's just a bus?"

Finally feeling reassured, Yoongi took a bigger step forward, and got onto the bus. The only two seats left were right behind the bus driver.

Jin liked the window seat. He slid in first, and noticed that Yoongi didn't sit down. The bus was beginning to drive off.

"Why aren't you sitting down?" Jin asked. "You'll fall."

Yoongi didn't answer. He hesitated for a second, but sat down on the aisle seat, his body stiff and uncomfortable. Jin observed for a moment, then leaned in to whisper, "Want to change seats?"

I should say no. "Yes." Yoongi said.

Jin nodded. "Sure, you could've just told me, actually." Jin stood up and leaned forward to let Yoongi slide to the window seat.

"Is this better?"

Yoongi looked away, not answering, but he felt his lips twitch upwards into a tiny smile. From the reflection in the window, he could see Jin's side profile. He couldn't help but to notice the older boy's jawline, his fair skin and perfect hair. There was some aura that Jin gave off, which was different from the feeling that Yoongi felt when he interacted with the others in his class.

Jin felt like a big brother. He seemed childish at times, like wanting to rush to board the bus just to choose his favourite seat. But underneath his playfulness, he was sweet, caring, unconditionally sacrificial.

Don't smile, Yoongi. Don't smile!

"You're smiling." Jin suddenly said. "That's a really cute gummy smile."

"No. I don't have a gummy smile." Yoongi turned away.

Jin laughed. "So, you're shy person."


"Whatever you say, then."

Jin leaned back in his seat, taking a rest. Yoongi continued staring out of the window, taking in the sights as they passed by highways, went across bridges, drove past rivers and houses.

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