the battle and fall

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over 60 NCR solider and rangers stand at the ready. at front of their line the ranger who saved arcade gives his speech. "they fought they could come into our land are people and start killing and kidnapping them. well I say we march down there and show them who they are dealing with. what say you men and women of the NCR" this received a cheer from the soldiers. Veronica turns to Carol, raul, ED-E, rex and graham "ready?"
"yes" from Carol
"always" from raul
"once more into the breach" Graham says.
battle sound from ED-E and a bark from rex. "charge!" Edward yell as the NCR starts their attack. at first it goes well they took the kree by surprise but in the end the NCR did not have the fire power. "go go go" yell one ranger. the most of the solider getting shot but some of them are able to get. to cover. veronica and the other joined in the front. Carol was easily dealing with kree solider an till yon rogg entered the battle. using his gravity gauntlet to restrain Carol, Veronica and ed-e. "vers. this'll save us time later" he says.
"this didn't stop me last time" Carol says.
"yes but they've been upgraded specifically to know Noel your powers" after he said this Carol face turn to fear. "all of you are coming back to hala to stand trial" as he finshed. rex runs up bite him in the arm. he flinches back and kick rex across the battle filed. veronica runs and punches him backwards while he was distracted. he turns to her.
"you are going to regret that" he pulls his gun and aims right at her head. suddenly an explosion goes off behind him sending him flying. he lands with a crash. for a moment everyone stoped fighting and look towards the source of the explosion. Through the smoke charges an army of people in T-51 power armour. "for the brotherhood" almost all of them scream. one of them run up to veronica. "fancy runing in to you hear veronica. Of all places" the voice was female.
"what are the chances Sophia" veronica said with a gaint smile on her face. Carol get up looking around see takes off towards veronica.
"I take it that this is the Brotherhood?" she asked.
"yes. yes they are." she answers.
with the help of the Brotherhood the NCR mange to take the second ship the same ship that the courier is in.
"he's in there." one of the solder yell out. Edward heard this. getting up he ran. seeing veronica behind about ten of the kree solider. he knocks three down. two more turn to him to fire but he pulls some kind of modified revolver. it shot an energy pulse leaving a hole in his head. the second look at him and fires. Dodging to the right and firing again. the krees head explodes from the impact. the five remaining troops in between him and veronica. They all turn to him. he dropped three of them instantly with his revolver. the last two run to regroup with the other kree soldiers defending the last ship.
"veronica we've taken the ship the courier is in" he tells her. Carol turns and looks at Edward then at the bodies of the Dead kree. "how did you do that on your own?" she asks him. "I'll explain later. right now six is more important." he say. leading them to the ship. "I'll stay out here and make sure no one will get in side" raul said to them
"I shall stay as well" Graham said. they meet arcade inside. They see the Courier with the black nanites covering his body. "arcade how do we get him out?" veronica asks him.
"well from what I can make out. it's a type of nurole interface that has connected the Courier to a greater intelligence but what ever it is. is trying to kill him or something his biometric readings are all over the place but they can't get into his mind because of his own neural implants. I don't think six can win this one on his own." he explains.
"can you connect someone else to this thing?" veronica asked. "yes but the chance that it would kill you is high. veronica a normal human mind would melt" he explained. "not mine I not a normal human after all" Carol say. "I not sure if you'll make out a live but I'll try now hold still" arcade start to play with diffent cables and moved Carol colser to the courier. "now hold this" he said passing her a cable. suddenly nanites pass onto Carol and falls leave with six. "her vitals are good. I thinked it worked." he said. an explosion from outside. they all turn to the door as yon rogg enters once more using his gravity gauntlet and grabing them all as the bodies of Raul and Graham are seen. "I should really thank after all you brought vers here."
Edward manages to fall to the ground and ruby tackle him out of ship. he quickly turn to the other "I'll deal with him you need to make sure that no one get to them" he said running.
Edward start to throw punches at yon rogg. he blocks slot of the hit but a few still make it through. yon rogg knocks Edward back and pulls his weapon and fires. it impacted him right In the chest but instead of falling down Edward just look him in the face. "how is that possible. what are you?" yon rogg said confused and fearing him. "I am the man who saved vault 13. I am the man who lose everyone to stop the super mutant master. I founded the Village of Arroyo. I am the vault dweller" Edward declared.
"the what?" yon rogg said.
"of course you don't who I am" Edward said exodus. he pulled his revolver and fire hit yon rogg in the leg. yon rogg fires again destroy half of helmet off. he looks right in to Edwards eyes and see pure determination. "you are not getting away." Edward says grabbing him by the neck. Choking him an till he falls unconscious. he drags the body on the ship. "he'll not cause us any trouble for a while" he said throwing the body to the ground. "what about them?" he asked pointing to the courier and Carol. "
there still in there" arcade answered. then another explation from outside.

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