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POV the Courier
I wake up to a new sunny day in the Mojave. I look around my room d
for a moment there is just quietness. then a loud crashing noise jumps up out of the bed. using my pip-boy to quickly the quick leather armour. I run into the Hall. I see arcade leaning over a bunch of technology. I see that both Veronica and Boone have come to see what's going.
"sorry everyone I was just studying some of this stuff and well I dropped it sorry" Arcade quickly explained. "arcade you are not allowed to touch anything before 10 o'clock." Veronica yells at him.
"Okay well now that we've got an early start to the day why don't we all get up and out," I say to them all as I turn to go get change. It took five minutes for me to get in my Ranger Gear I get to the bottom floor. everyone is there but Cass and Lucy. "where's Cass and Lucy?" I ask them all. "Cass thought it would be fun to take her shopping" arcade answered.
"really never took Cass for that kind of person" Veronica turns in. "well then I think we should all just relax" as soon as the words left my mouth an NCR soldier runs in. "sir you're needed." the soldier said quickly.
"why? what's going on?" I ask.
"we've lost all contact with Helios one"
my eyes go wide. Who could have attack helios one?
"Boone, ed-e, Veronica gets geared up we going to find out what happens" I ordered them.
When we left for Helios one. I was scared I didn't think that anyone could take out all the troops there. now that I stand outside. I address the captain in charge.
"what the status here?" I ask.
"no one in or out sir. Premature around the site. we're not sure if anyone's still there. we haven't seen any movement.
"Boone take a detachment of rangers. go and see if anyone at Novac of saw anything" I say turning to him.
"will do," he said. he left with five other rangers.
"now we going in. you ten go in with me. Veronica you and the captain go round back and through of the fence. get in place within five minutes." I order as they start to move. a couple of minutes pass.
"we're in position six" I hear Veronica voice over the radio.
"go-go" I yell as we breach the front. as soon as the door open I smell rotting flesh and decay.
"clear!" one of the soldiers yelled.
"split up and searched teams of two" I order. I move over to one of the bodies. then I see what the injury that killed them was. the same as the one that kill the Gate team and the Rangers. the same people who tried to kill me.
"oh shit"

Boone walks into Novac. a place he has not been since he joins the courier Quest.
"okay rangers split up and start asking people if they know anything I see if manny knows anything," he says. the rangers start to spread out. on his way to the sniper nest in the old dinosaur. something catches his eye. a woman in an old world flight jacket but what was important was what was on under it. a uniform almost identical to one of the people up kidnapped the courier.
"miss I need a word with you," he says. she turns to face him.
"me," she said pointing to herself.
"yes" Boone responded.
"I haven't really got the time. you know save the world and friends" she said.
"miss that wasn't a request," Boone said pulling his rifle up. the other rangers readying themselves as well. "why does it all ways go to violence with you people" she said as her fist started to glow. then shot Boone across the old motel. the ranger goes in to attack. she Knocks the first one down. the second and third Ranger pull there six shooters but then gets hit back from another blast from the women. the final two rangers. want in to hit her but she easily dodges them knocking one down by kicking him in the legs and the final Ranger a blast to the arms knocked in back then a kick to the chest knocked him down. Boone getting back up. look her in the face. "what are you?" he asked she look to him and smiled "not a what a who" she said as started to glow all over he body as she takes off into the sky.

POV the courier
"they're all like this blast in the chest" the captain reported.
"Veronica, what did they do?" I ask
"me and the other technicians I think they sent a signal to deep space. Possibly an SOS. they also destroyed the majority of the systems in the Solar Tower." she explains.
"we haven't found any sign of them in the area no trails to where they could be," the captain said.
"Okay let's go and see what Boones found." as we left the building we see something flying few the sky.
"what the hell" slips out of my mouth as bright yellow flies through the sky. "it looks like it came from Novac," one of the soldiers say. I look to Veronica and we start off towards Novac. we arrive to see that the Rangers are injured with scorch marks on their armour.
"Boone, what happened?" I ask worried for the safety of my friend. "we found someone who was dressed similarly to..." he stops as he Falls unconscious.
"Boone!" I yell. Veronica and myself cared the unconscious Boone to Mormon fort. as we go in we greeted by Arcade.
"WHAT HAPPENED!" he yells upon seeing Boone.
"he was attacked by someone a lot of Rangers were also injured," I said with a sad tone.
"Okay place him over here," he said pointing to an empty bed. after we left we want back to the 38.
"your back" I hear Lucy yell. I look at her with a giant smile on her face. it made me cheer up.
"V, tell Cass what's happened." Veronica then takes Cass into the other room. "so kid how are you doing?" I ask the young girl.
"I am fine Casey brought me new clothes," she said cheerily.
"do you like it here?" I ask her.
"yeah it's nice but I do miss my home," she said getting sadder.
"don't worry I'll make sure you've got everything you need. so out of everyone here who's your favourite?"
"Casey she seems nice" this made me chuckle.
"wait and till you get to Veronica better." she laughed a bit at this. it was about now that Cass and Veronica came into the room. Veronica comes over to me and Lucy. "how about you and me go for a walk around Vegas?" she asked the young girl.
"yeah that be nice" Lucy answered. Veronica then whispered to her
"how about we steal the floating robot as well"
Lucy was almost jumping at the opportunity.
"come on then," Veronica said getting her up. On their way out they grab ED-D. Cass comes over to me.
"Boone got injured, bad," I say to.
"I know Veronica told me. don't blame your self six. you didn't know that one of these Kree things was going to be there" she said trying to free me from my guilt.
"I know but I'm still the one who orders him to go there. I can't help that now"
"well, why don't we go and cheer you up. how about a drinking contest?" she said.
"on NO. I think I've had enough of drinking contests of awhile" I said.
"at least come up to the room with all the drinks in"
"Fine but...." suddenly there was an explosion from outside.
"what now!" Cass yell. rex our cyber dog comes running to us.
"we should see what that was," I said as I grab my spare Ranger helmet. as I leave the 38. I see the women that the Rangers described.
"you! you're the ass who attack my friend and my men" I said getting ready to pull my pistol.
"I don't want any trouble. I am looking for my friend. his name is Charlie. I was told that he was here on the strip" she said. Upon hearing that name I was shocked. how did she know my name, a name I haven't used in so long. "why should we trust you. one. Your armour is near identical two the people who tried to kidnap me. two. the last person who wore that flag tried to kill me" I said as I pull my revolver and Cass pulls her shotgun. her hands start to glow. I get hit back right into the 38s door. I see Cass try to shot her but it doesn't faze her. "Cass get down" I yell to late. I see her hit into the door as well. she not moving. I look back to the women. "okay you're going to tell me where he is" she said moving towards me. her whole body glowing yellow. this seems to trigger some kind of memories. I see a yellow light and this women's face. did I know her before the shot? she grabs me.
"now tell me where he is," she orders me.
"pick on someone your own size" I hear Veronica yell as she hit the women across the strip using her power fist.
"Lucy goes inside," Veronica tells her. I get up.
"good timing V," I say to her. we look up as the women get up with barely a scratch on her. "take her down" I say. as we both rush her. she easily Dodgers me and kick Veronica side. she went to blast her but I jump in the way. It was like being on fire my armour scorching and nearly shattering my helmet. hitting the ground hard. getting back up. she looks at the visible part of my face. her eye widens and she recoils. "Charlie!" she yells. the glow around her dimming. next thing I know arcade has stuck a needle in her neck. "ARCADE! oh, thank God. what you injector her with?" I say looking to him.
"anaesthetic, a lot of anaesthetics," he says I look over to Veronica as she's getting up. "CASS!" I yell turning to her still up against the door. me and Arcade, run over.
"is she alive?" I frantically ask. he put his fingers up to her neck.
"I am getting a pulse but it very weak I need to get her to the fort now," he says barely lifting her. I go to help him but he stops me.
"you need to stay here and help Veronica," he said. I help her up as we go over to this mystery woman.
"what do we do with her?" Veronica asks me.
"we'll tire her up in the 38 then question her." I stop for a moment and then turn to Veronica.
"I think I knew her before the Benny incident"

POV the lone wander
The bridge of the ship shakes.
"what happening?" I ask. "more Kree ship are coming into orbit. warship." Elliott reported.
"how many?"
"try to communicate I want to know what there want here" I order. suddenly a face appeases in a giant hologram.
"who are you and want do you want on earth?" I questioned.
"I am a grand execution of the Kree and we were summoned hereby our scout ship," he says.
" well you see your scouts ship violated Earth's atmosphere it was destroyed by forces on the ground but you won't make it that far a less you leave now." this made the man laugh as he cuts the communications. "full power to the Shields" I order but too late as missiles impact and disabled mothership Zeta. "everything is offline we're stuck" Elliott explains.
"get weapons online and slow them down"

POV the courier.
"Oh hello again" yes man said as I walk in. "what do you need?" I ask. "permission to use Mr houses anti-missile defences against ships that are moving in from orbit" yes man explains. "if it means to protector Mojave do it. now then I need to deal with our new 'friend' downstairs." I say as I leave.

A giant green laser can be seen shooting from the Mojave upwards hitting a ship and cutting it in half but didn't hit the other two ships.

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