Fallen Kingdoms

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In this apartment we built a kingdom—
out of pillows and sheets,
of empty beer bottles
of late night conversations.

Within these four walls we fell in love—
with the way we came home drunk,
the way we drank wine in bathtubs,
the way we doused our dishes with bubbly.

In this bedroom I found a piece of you—
I found it in the way you snored
the way you took off your shirt,
the way you held me.

In this kingdom we felt untouchable—
we had walls to keep us safe
had moats around our gates
had our hearts for one another.

It was peaceful...

Then, there were invaders I didn't foresee.
They stole the only thing I held dear,
they stole what we had.
They stole you.

You were under their spell,
and I hadn't the cure.

Now in this kitchen we challenge each other to a duel—
no swords, just words
no shields, just broken hearts
no mercy, no love.

I didn't know how to convince you to stay and rule with me.
You have found a better kingdom to live in.
No matter how high the walls we built were,
they had cannons to knock them down.

Now you're with someone else—
dancing in kitchens,
drinking in bathtubs—
falling in love.

While I sit alone in our messed up kitchen,
cleaning up the mess we made,
with shards in my hands—
carving my heart out of my chest...

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