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Seraphina was handing John and Remi tissues, rolling her eyes at them.

"John. Its a kid's movie." She said, shaking her head while trying not to laugh.

"I don't c-care! It was so sad that his dad was the one causing his suffering all along..." John sniffled, accepting the tissue gratefully.

"A-And the part where he had to kill him?-" , Remi wailed, equally as distressed as John was, maybe even more.

Seraphina spotted Isen snickering at them, but before she could say anything, Blyke shoved him with his shoulder, "Don't laugh! You were crying too, idiot!"

She laughed. John rubbed his eyes for a bit before bringing his hands away from his face. Surprisingly, he looked like he never shed a tear.

"There, all better!" He smiled, tucking his hands into his pockets.
"We're getting dinner still, right?" John asked.

"Yeah, Papa's going to Olive Garden" Isen said smugly, holding out a wad of cash proudly.

Sera tilted her head as Remi whispered something in her ear, "Isen works part-time at McDonald's," she snickered, "He got his paycheck two days ago and he's flexing."

The group walked out of Kovoro Mall and into the plaza outside it. The sun was about to set as the sky was tinged a light orange.

Remi, Blyke and Isen led the group while John and Seraphina trailed behind them, enjoying a game of Slappy Pig.

"You're totally cheating! I said no abilities this time!" John whined, staring dejectedly at his score of 129 on the game.

Sera smirked, "I wasn't using my ability, dork."

She giggled as John gave her a disbelieving glare, glancing at her screen which displayed a proud score of 267.

"Tch. Whatever." John mumbled, pouting.
Seraphina shrugs and keeps a small smile on her face, walking at the same pace as John did, naturally.

"Wait- Hey, I had a question." John blurts out, suddenly looking up from his phone screen. Sera turns towards him, "Yeah?"

"When's your sister visiting?" He asks.

She stopped for a moment to think. Why was he asking?

"Tomorrow or Sunday, probably. A couple of days." Seraphina replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Are you gonna meet her? Like- In person or something?"

Seraphina giggled, "What? You wanna meet her that bad?" She teased.

"Its not like that! I..." He swallows, "Plus, is it so bad to want to make a good impression on your best friend's sister?"

"Okay, Okay. I get it." Seraphina put a hand opn his shoulder.

"Im meeting her after school tomorrow. She's having a date with her boyfriend in the morning, though." She told him.

"You can meet her then. Shes nice." Sera smiled as John's shoulder relaxed.

He sighed, finally satisfied, "Okay."

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