Ch. 3 | Salvatore

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I stepped out of the woods, my heart was at present residing in my throat. There was a large wooden sign in front of me.

"Welcome to Mystic Falls, Virginia." Emmett read the sign next to me, "We made it, brother. Now we just have to find your girl."

I let out an audible breath, feeling anxious.

"How are we going to do that?" I murmured, the stress I had been repressing began bubbling to the surface.

"Ask around, maybe?" he suggested. I shrugged.

My phone rang in my pocket, and I had it out and against my ear in a second.

"Alice." I said, rather than saying hello.

"Edward, we're all on our way. Don't do anything tonight, asking around town will make you look suspicious and gain a lot of unwanted attention, I can help you once I get there."

"So, what do you suggest we do now?" I inquired, slightly annoyed that she would prevent me from looking for Bella.

"Get a hotel, shower, read a book, watch TV. Don't forget to shower." she laughed on the other line.

"you said shower twice."

"I did, dear brother. I want you to look nice for Bella." she responded, causing warmth to erupt in my chest.

"I'm on Google, I can't find any hotels in Mystic Falls." Emmett spoke up from behind me, "there is a boarding house not far into town."

"Then that's where we will go." I nodded, saying my goodbyes to Alice, Emmett and I made our way to the boarding house using a map we'd found on Google.


I don't know what I was expecting... but it wasn't this. We stood in front of a large stone mansion. Many windows lined the house, and it was shielded by trees. The driveway was long and twisty, and the yard was huge.

I gathered this house had to be at least 100 years old, and had been perfectly maintained since its construction. The large sign out front read "The Salvatore Boarding House."

We walked to the front door, Emmett examined the old style of it, and brought his hand to the knocker. Shaking his head, he thought 'what, are we visiting the Addams family?'

I shrugged in response as he glanced back at me, and he began knocking on the door.

After just a minute, the door opened a crack and someone peeked out.

"Whatever it is you're selling, we don't want it." he said, and shut the door on us again. Wow. Incredible customer service.

"Damon," A male voice chastised the man who answered us.

"Don't Damon me, we're in the middle of a crisis here, we don't need girl scouts -" he was cut of by the voice when he spoke again.

"We run a boarding house." he reminded him before opening the door once again. The whole encounter taking less than 30 seconds.

"Sorry about my brother, I'd blame it on him being in a bad mood, but honestly he's just a jackass." I was barely concentrating on his words when I seen his face. "I'm Stefan."

This is him. The guy who was in Alices vision. He stood at the pool table with Bella when I walked in, meaning he knew her, and knew where I could find her.

For the first time since I died, I felt dizzy.

"Says you," the one from before, Damon, his brother spoke as he came up behind him. He took his place in front of Stefan and placed his hand on the large wooden door. "what do you want?"

"uh, " I trailed, losing my words as I realized he was from the other vision. The one with the blonde. They both knew my Bella.

"Two rooms, if you can help us." Emmett spoke for me.

Damon stepped back once again, his eyes flickering from mine, to Emmetts face suspiciously. He glanced at his brother, who shrugged. I focused in,trying to read their thoughts, but found to my surprise that their brains were mostly silent, it was like static,like trying to tune into a radio station but only getting a scattered word here and there. I frowned in frustration. Not totally silent like Bella, but still silent enough to drive me insane.

The brothers looked at each other and Stefan shrugged, pursing his lips before turning back to us.

"Sure, I can definitely help with that." He stepped out of the way and allowed us to walk in, which we did.

"I'm Emmett, by the way, and this is my brother, Edward." Emmett introduced us.

"It's nice to meet you," Stefan smiled kindly and held his hand out for Emmett to shake. I watched his face as shock resided on his features, when Emmetts cold hard skin touched his hand. However, rather than the normal fear we usually would see, he frowned, scowling as if he was thinking hard. I could tell he was, like his brother, suspicious. He shook my hand as well.

"What brings you to town?" He asked after getting straightened away, we had paid for our rooms, and were shown the way, and then we made our way back to the grand living room, where the four of us sat together.

Damon was perched on the arm of the sofa, his arms crossed and a narrow eyed expression on his face.

"Not what, but who." Emmett chuckled, and I hissed, just low enough that only he should have heard, but the brothers both seemed to respond before ignoring it.

"Well?" Damon looked at me, glared is more like it, "Who?"

"Nobody." I answered.

They may know her, Edward. Emmett thought to me. I shot him a warning look. He has no idea how right he is.

"My family is thinking about moving here," I lied smoothly. We would never be able to make it work in Virginia. If Bella took me back, I would stay. I had no problems hiding in the shadows if it meant I could be with her.

"Where are you coming from?" Stefan asks.

"Alaska." Emmett answered immediately. "wanted to go somewhere sunnier."

"Right." Damon was skeptical on us, and showed it in his voice. "Will you two be needing silence tonight?"

I had to refrain from rolling my eyes at his sarcastic tone. "We should be alright."

"Good!" Damon clapped his hands once as he stood up.

"Why? What's going on?" Stefan inquired.

"I made plans for tonight," he paused for a moment, as if wondering if he should go on. "With Caroline and Bella."

I gripped the couch I was sitting on. Did this mean she was coming here? Alice's vision must have already happened then. This was the plans they were making.

"You made plans with Tylers girlfriend and I didn't know?"

My fingers curled into fists at my sides. Of course it would make sense that she would be dating.

"Sorry, would you excuse me?" I stood and walked to my room, without waiting for a response. I could hear Emmett trailing after me.

"What plans did you make with the girls?" I could hear Stefan ask.

"Lets just go to the cheer competition and you'll find out soon enough, yes? Okay? Good."

I heard them leave, and I sank down on my bed.

"What's going on? were they talking about our Bella?" Emmett asked.

I nodded. "The reason I wanted you to stop down there was that Alice seen them both in visions with her. I already knew they knew her."

"Oh." for once, Emmett had nothing to say.

"I couldn't read their minds, either." I mentioned, randomly.

"I got a weird vibe from them, especially the Damon guy." Emmett paused, "I think we should keep an eye on them."

I nodded my agreement. Something was off about them, but I don't know what. If they are around my Bella, if one of them is dating her. I had to find out. I had to find out she was okay.

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