Ch. 8 | Bonnie

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A/N short little chapter but I wanted to post something ;

After Bella had finished up with Elena in the basement she came to see me before she left to go home. Elena was very upset, so Bella planned to come back and stay the night after she sorted the details out with Charlie. She wanted to be close to her best friend, and selfishly I was glad, because that meant more Bella time for me.

Stefan also informed me that their friend Bonnie would be stopping by with books galore as per Damon's request to learn more about my kind. I wasn't sure what it was about this girl that had him convinced she could know anything about me but I was sure to find out once she got here. And besides, I was more than content to answer any questions.

My family had only been in Mystic Falls for a few hours, but had already begun on the house search. Apparently like me, they wanted to make things work here. Minus Rosalie, who, after hearing Bella's story was more sympathetic toward her but still not thrilled with the idea of her coming back into our lives. I wasn't sure what her deal was, but I made a mental note to talk to her later and get to the bottom of it.

I wanted to know more of Bella's kind. Her strength and abilities. I wondered if I would have to be gentle with her all our lives. What our limits and boundaries would have to be. Could we ever function normally? Without me hurting her? I certainly hoped so. It was probably pre mature for me to think about anyway. I'd only been back in her life for a little over a day and haven't even had the opportunity to kiss her yet besides the small peck on her forehead and that took place in my head.

A few hours clicked on, Bonnie was already here. I heard her come. She's been downstairs flicking through books that she called "Grimoires", which was confusing to me to say the very least. I new what a grimoire was, but I was under the impression witches weren't real. Then again, two days ago I believed there was only one kind of vampire.

I was beginning to worry about Bella when there was a knock on my door, I knew immediately it was Stefan.

"Come in," I called out, putting the book I'd been reading myself aside. The door opened, and Stefan entered, watching me warily.

"Bonnie found something." He told me. "About your kind, and I think you need to hear it." His face was enough to giveaway the fact that I wouldn't like what I would hear. "We should probably talk before Bella gets back."

I stood up slowly, and let out a big unnecessary breath. "Alright. Lay it on me."

"No, you need to come downstairs. Bonnie wants to talk to you." I nodded hard and wordlessly followed him.

The air was thick in the front room when we reached it. The people who had been here tense. Damon and Caroline were both sitting around the room. Elena, who was a quivering ball of overwhelming emotion was also there. And then there was another girl, sitting on the floor cross legged and surrounded by her books.

"Hello," I greeted softly. "I'm Edward, you must be Bonnie."

She looked up at me and gave me the smallest, most unconvincing smile I'd ever seen. "Please, sit." She said, waving to the floor across from her. I willingly accepted and sat down.

"What's going on? What's wrong?" I asked.

Bonnie pursed her lips before she began, as if considering her next words. "When Damon told me about your kind I had to research it. I was stunned to find out there was another kind of vampire, I've barely gotten used to there being one type." She sighed, "I don't know what you've been told about me."

"Nothing. Only your name." I answered.

"Well, I'm a witch." She said. I nodded, unsurprised. I'd already come to that conclusion myself. "Vampires were created by witches, and they - " she said, gesturing to the others, "came first."

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