Ch. 9 | Preparation

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I pulled up to the address that Alice had texted me. My family wasn't used to sharing their space with anyone besides themselves, so until they found a permanent residence they had rented a cottage just big enough for them on Oak Street. It wouldn't be long, so they did opt for a short term rental.

I had decided to stay with the Salvatores to learn more about Bella, and to stay close to the action with them. I didn't know much about them, but I wanted to learn. Especially now, that I was becoming one of them.

Getting out of Bella's car I pocketed the keys and walked up to the front door. I didn't get the chance to open it before Alice threw it open.

"I knew you were coming!" She said excitedly.

"You don't say?" I joked, walking around her and into the house. It was pretty big, and very nice. "Where is everyone?"

"Getting settled into their rooms, why? Is something wrong?" Alice asked. Her brows furrowed as she assessed my face.

"You didn't have a vision about my decision?" I was surprised to say the least, Alice was always looking out for us, more often then not she would see our decisions before we had the chance to make them.

"I've been busy." She admitted, "so there's something wrong?"

"Kind of," I down played it. "I need a meeting with the family. We all need to talk."

"Alright. I'll get them." She patted my back and then took off. I walked over to the large window and looked out at the trees. I'm not sure what they were going to say. I had to be with Bella. And how am I supposed to be with her without kissing her? Without exploring that physical aspect of our relationship? She deserves more than that. I can give it to her. I can do this.

"Edward?" Esme spoke, calling my attention. I turned to see my family staring at me. "Are you okay? You're very distant. We called out to you a few times and you didn't answer."

"I'm sorry." I said, crossing my arms. "I really need to talk to you all, and you're probably not going to like what I'm going to say."

"What is it, son?" Carlisle spoke, his concern clear in his voice.

"I found out today that Bella and I being together is to dangerous, that I can't even kiss her, because my venom is toxic to her." I explained.

"Edward, I'm so sorry." Alice gasped. "What are we going to do?"

"Leave, obviously." Rosalie sounded bored.

"Jeez, have a heart, Rose." Emmett growled. "This is Bella we're talking about."

"Exactly my point." She rolled her eyes and picked at her nails.

"This is all a moot point, guys. I've figured out a way to be with her." I told them.

"What is it?" Jasper questioned.

"Well, this is the part you're not going to like." I warned.

"We got that much." Emmett insisted. "Tell us. We're family."

"To be with Bella I have to change." I explained, "I wouldn't be like you all anymore, I'd be like them."

There was a heavy silence in the room. All eyes were on me. Their minds were racing, trying to sort through their thoughts. They were upset. But they were trying to rationalize.

"Before you guys get to angry with me, I need you to picture what you would do in my situation. I know each and every one of you would do the same thing for your mate." Once I was done talking we stood around, no one talking. Everyone staring at me like I was crazy.

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