Ch. 10 | New

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I don't know how long I was out. I imagined this was what a light sleeper goes through whilst trying to sleep around people. I heard every conversation, but I was tired. Something I hadn't felt in many, many years, but now I was tired. My eyelids were heavy, and didn't want to open.

The pain had mostly stopped, except for the ache present in my gums and my overwhelming hunger. Just like before, I could hear every little sound, but unlike before, every tick from the near by grandfather clock was like a hammer pounding into my skull. When it hit the hour and it sang it's little song it felt like an eternity, and I wished to have my eardrums ripped out so I wouldn't have to experience another second.

I was experiencing a migraine. Absolutely dreadful. I was growing more and more irritated, and when someone talked I felt like ripping their head off.

Didn't they know it was too loud? I needed it to stop. The noise had to stop. Even Bella's voice briefly made me consider murder. That's when I realized what they meant about the heightened emotions. I would never really want to hurt my Bella. I loved her. I did this for her.

The irritation surged through me again, and I subconsciously started scratching at the surface beneath me. Though, surprisingly instead of the hard table beneath me, I found a soft surface. A bed. I was in a bed. Who brought me here?

"Edward?" I heard her voice, she was speaking soft, as if she realized the pain I was in, her fingers danced along my face, down my cheeks and over my lips, across my jaw and into my hair, where she massaged gently. I relaxed greatly, as she was providing some relief to the feeling. "I know it hurts right now, and you probably want to catch up on a hundred plus years of sleep, but you need to wake up and complete your transition."

I couldn't respond. I didn't want to. I wanted sleep. Bella didn't like this. "Listen to me, you've already been asleep for hours, if you don't soon feed your body will start to give up and you'll leave me again and this will all be for nothing." She took a few deep breaths, and when she spoke again, she had calmed. "I promise we can go back to sleep after you've eaten something."

It wasn't her promise, but the pain in her voice when she spoke about me leaving that forced my eyes open. Everything was different. Well, it looked different. It wasn't as sharp anymore. I couldn't see the details of the dust floating through the air. While my eyesight still wasn't as bad as a human's, it had seriously diminished.

My eyebrows furrowed together when I remembered Bella was with me and turned to look at her. She looked shocked. Her mouth hung open as she stared back at me. She didn't change. She was still perfect. My eyes zeroed in on her neck and I imagined sinking my teeth into her perfect skin. My God, what was wrong with me?

"You look surprised." I said, to change the subject. My voice sounded different. Not as perfect as it once was.

Bella was wordless as she reached in her pocket and pulled out her phone. She hauled up her camera and turned it around so I could see my reflection. I grabbed the phone out of her hand and brought it closer to my face. My skin was no longer pale, it was a few notches darker than Bella's fair skin, but still pretty bright. My eyes were back to my human shade of green. Mostly hidden by my hair however, that had managed to fall over them since the spell began.

I no longer looked perfect. Or sounded perfect. I was very average now. "are you disappointed?" I asked Bella.

"You're so handsome." She whispered. She placed her hand on my cheek, her fingers trailing underneath my eye. "Such a beautiful shade of green."

I shivered. This beautiful creature was complimenting me. "I love you, Bella." I told her. My irritation from earlier melting away. However, it seemed the love I felt was making me hungrier. My eyes trailed back to her neck. She noticed.

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