Part-1 (point of view)

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Today's part:

This story starts after Sanskar and Laksh fight ... Laksh got dp's call and he went from there thinking about all the things happening in his life .... he was thinking where he went wrong ?? Why he was not able to trust his brother his bhai ... his buddy .... why everything changed ? Was their relation so weak that it got broke by a small misunderstanding created by someone and that someone is his own elder brother whom he think as his own he never thought that he can done something like this and that too with his own family ... for him the meaning of relationship have changed in a mere moment in that one sentence said by his father ... was he so lost in hating his real brother that he was not able to see the one caring for him and the one plotting against him ..... but now he is in a mess he is not knowing what he should do to get everything back to normal? .... he is unable to think how he will make eye contact with his bhai? .... how he will make their relation the one they used to share before all this? .... how he will get his bhai back ?
With all these thoughts started his journey to Maheshwari house.
A mere misunderstanding changed so many things but is it the end or the starting??

Whereas on the other side the whole Maheshwari family is waiting for Laksh and Sanskar arrival ... 2 hours passed since all the happening but there is no sign of them anywhere ....Swara is getting tensed each second because of Sanskar's warning .... she is thinking about his words and thinking what will happen now ?? ... how will she mend her relationship??... will they be able to be the previous lovey dovey couple the one whom everyone use to admire ??.... she is too lost in all this but still she have a hope that nothing will go back ... but still somewhere her heart is giving her negative vibes may be because of all the happenings heart is not getting the right vibes but is there any other reason for this negative vibes ....
Just not hearing the words of her love take her here ... what will happen ??will they be together or drifted apart ??

Here in Badi Sanskar came back after the fight with Laksh and directly went to his room or swara's room and started packing his stuff in hurry ... sujata and sumi came after him and ask what he is doing but something else is going on in his mind .... why his swara his love didn't listen to him ?? .... she again did the same thing which she is doing from start ... why she have to do this always ?? ... from the starting of their relation its like he is the only one in the relation swara is just there for namesake .... she never think about him while taking any decision leave any she never consider him in the decisions taken for him only .... he is like a nobody for her ... while on the other hand he think about her in every small thing he do ... even if that decision don't consider her from far away also but he always think about her only first before doing anything ....... he is hurt may be hurt is also a small world to describe the things he is going through ... he is feeling all different feeling at the same time... he should be happy for getting his family back ... he should be thankful to Swara for uniting his family ... he should be delighted for being proved innocent in front of his family .... he should be proud that now no one will point finger on his parents upbringing ... he should be angry on Laksh for not trusting him ... he should be felling betrayed by the one whom he love the most the love of his life or his past. With all this thoughts he went on packing his stuff ... on asking by sujata he said he is leaving this city forever as he only have bitter memories here and all will be coming after a week if they wanted and if not they can live in Maheshwari house .... saying this he went to car and started his journey towards Maheshwari house as he wanted to meet them before leaving ....
What will this new decision give or take from the persons concerned with it ??
While Sanskar started his journey for Maheshwari house Swara starting her journey to Badi as sanskar is not answering her call and she is getting more and more restless with each passing moment and she can't sit there in this much tension so she thought to go to badi ... may be destiny have something stored for them ....
Sanskar on reaching there meet everyone take ap and dp blessing and asked sorry if he had hurt everyone ... tragedy na one person who is the most hurt saying this to the ones reason for his misery ... well its all destiny .
Laskh also reached at that time and asked sorry for his deeds but its late or too late for all this sanskar have already decided to leave the place and his decision is not going to change ... he met everyone and say his final biddings
and went from there .

On reaching badi swara saw no one from Maheshwari's on asking sumi she got to know about Sanskar's decision of going away from this city forever and he wanted his family to join him after a week ... swara get a sigh of relief that finally everything is coming on their place but she is unaware of the coming storm in her life . She called Sanskar but again the same reply .... "the person you wanna talk is currently not receiving your call please call later ".... she have been hearing this line from previous 2 and half hours and this line is just doing nothing more than irritating her . Getting fed up she called on Ragini's phone and luckily it is answered ... she asked her to give the phone to sanskar ...and the phone was passed like finally her wait come to an end ... but is it really an end or start of something ....

Phone conversation:

Swara : hello ... sanskar I am calling you from so long why you are not answering ?? I was so worried ?? And where are you going ?....
{cutting her in between sanskar spoke }
Sanskar : I think you have lost all the rights Miss. Swara bose and i don't think you are anymore my family ... so i hope you will not disturb me anymore ...
(The words make swara fully shock ... she is not able to react ... the word miss .swara bose... it hurt her .... she is not knowing why Sanskar is saying this still she very well knows this ... somewhere deep down her heart also knows she is the main reason for all this happening ... but sanskar should give her a chance to explain she have to try ... she can't let her sanskar go like this)
Swara : but sanskar are my husband ....
Sanskar : I think your husband died that very moment when you broke his swear ... so whom you are finding here ....
( the words came like a sword which did nothing but make a deep cut on the already wounded heart but with great difficulty she again try to speak)
Swara : but...Sanskar I am ...
Sanskar : I don't want any stranger to waste my time as I am getting late to go to Mumbai ...
And he cancelled the call .
(Stranger the word make her feel like she have no existence in this world ... the one the only relationship she feel is her own after her mother and Dida said her a stranger ... what she will be doing now ?? She is nothing for him ... just the word is taking away her life ... she don't know when some unknown guest came in her eyes and they themself started flowing ... the one who never wanted to see one tear in her eyes is the only reason for her so many tears .... why god have to do this with her .... she don't know when the call get cancelled .... and for how long she was sitting their like a body without its soul because her soul has been taken away by her life her Sanskar .... she is nothing without him she is just a mere body nothing else .... she is crying and god knows for how long her tears also stopped but the heart is still bleeding .... it's not tired of bleeding .... and the wound of her heart can only be healed by the one whom the heart belongs to ..... getting a realization she got up wiped her tears and realized how Sanskar never wanted her to cry he never want a tear in her eyes and used to wipe them off before the pearls start falling but now he is gone far away from her. Thinking this she started going .... on asking by her mother she tell her she is going to Sanskar to get him back and will not come back till she mend their relation and she will not contact any family member and pack her bag with necessary things and documents needed ..... and started her journey to Mumbai by booking a ticket and then she went to airport and go to Mumbai and take a cab to reach him )
What destiny have planned for them?? what will happen to their relation will it mend or will it shattered like never before ??

To know all the answers stay connected with the story ...

Any changes you want you can tell me ..

Thanku for reading 😊😊

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