Part-6 (knowing the unknown )

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Recap : swasan meet , Sanskar taunts , Swara fainting and sanskar taking her to his home and only caring for babies .... Priya fainting and got to know she is pregnant .

Today's part :
Sanskar meet with Ram and assures him about Swara and babies will be good by staying with him as he is swara's husband.
But he till now didn't know about Swara memory loss and her accident .

After going back home Sanskar see Swara is awake he go to her and give her medicine .
Sanskar : have this food and then eat your medicine .
Swara : ok .
She eats the food silently and have the medicine ... she don't speak much just says yes and no ... after sometime Sanskar came with milk and ask her to drink it but Swara refuses Sanskar again ask her ...and seeing his tone Swara fastly drink the milk .
Sanskar : drink the milk .
Swara : no I don't like milk .
Sanskar remember something and got angry
Flashback :
Sanskar : Swara drink turmeric milk ... it's good for health na .
Swara : Sanskar you know na it's yuk ... I don't like milk please don't force me na (she said making faces )
Sanskar : please na your wound will get Well soon for me .
Swara : ok (saying so she drank whole glass of milk)
Flashback ends .
Sanskar remember how much she hate milk but milk is good for baby so she have to drink it ... what if she don't like it ... she have to drink ...
Sanskar : it's good for baby and I know you can drink it ... so drink it quietly ... I don't think I have to pamper you like a small baby just drink it ...
Swara : (she get afraid by his tone and drink the Milk fastly ) done (and gave the glass back to him )
As soon Sanskar left the room Swara went to washroom and vomited what ever she have eat after cleaning her face she went out and try to sleep but she start getting afraid because of new place and here Priya is also not with her to console her ... she with great difficulty slept but her sleep broke because of hunger ... she thought to eat something so she went to kitchen and started finding something but was unable to find so she drink water and went to her room ... and slept .
The next day she slept for long .
When Sanskar go to her room and find her sleeping he scolded her for sleeping till now.
Sanskar : Why are you sleeping till now ?? Don't you know it's not good to sleep for so late it will affect babies health ... from tomorrow I want you to wake up at 7 and sleep at 9 ... this much sleep is needed for my babies .
Swara : your babies ??
Sanskar : they are my babies don't you know ??
Swara : you are my husband ?
Sanskar got angry hearing the word husband from her mouth the one who broke all the relations with him is now claiming not claiming asking as if she don't know he is her husband but no more he broke the relation that day when she didn't came to him ... he is no more her husband and if she don't know or if she is acting so naive that asking him about this he will accept her then she is wrong he will not accept her ... never ...she betrayed him and now he have nothing but hate for her ... he just hate her and he is a stranger to her and she is stranger from whom he want his babies .... by thinking if she is playing this dumb game why not he also play it ..he said
Sanskar : don't you know who am I ?
Swara: no how will I ... I lost my memory na . (She said innocently)
Sanskar : (oh so memory loss game I am not gonna come in your trap so easily Swara ... I know you are playing your games to make me accept you as you know I will take babies and will not accept you ... but miss. Swara you are wrong this time I will not fall in your trap ... let the game start I will also play ...according to you) you lost your memory ?
Swara : yes
Sanskar : ok so you don't remember anything about your past ??
Swara : no .can you tell me about my past life ??
Sanskar : yes I can . I am your boss and you were my employee ... I don't want to get marry because I hate marriage I just don't trust this relation and I don't believe in this and all ... but I want a hire for my company so I choose you for giving birth to my baby .
Swara : means ??
Sanskar : you are surrogate mother for my babies ...
swara : means these babies are not mine ?
Sanskar : nope they are mine .
Swara : means after giving them birth I don't have any relation with them ??
Sanskar : you will be having relation with them for 6 months after birth then no .you will never meet them as you are a nobody to them ... and a nobody can't be a mother na ... and the babies have me they have enough they will never need you as you are nothing to them but a mere stranger who become path for them to come in this world .
Swara : ok (she said and went from there )
Sanskar thought why she behave so strange
Sanskar : it's like she believe the story ... she is so good in acting yr ... I think she should try for movies ... she can get the best actress award .

Swara went to her room and looking the room she started crying .... my babies ... the word is haunting her ... the babies whom she thought are her family... for them she is a nobody and she can't be in their life after some months ... she was crying and crying as she have nothing to do .... her babies her last hope to live is also taken away from her .... now she is once again all alone in this world ... all the words of Sanskar started revolving in her mind she is a nobody .... you are good for nothing take my babies ...they are mine .... she shouted no please I didn't take anyone child please stop saying all this she fainted .... but who cares ...

Her routine was like this only all day thinking and following the routine Sanskar ask her to follow ... she is doing all works like a machine who collects order and perform the work ... it's not looking like she is a human ....she is living but like a dead body .... it look like she is only living for a motive may be to give birth to the babies ... she is always lost in thoughts and trying to find answers for those questions whom no one can answer other than her .
She got the dreams that haunt her but she never try to tell anything to Sanskar as she think he is already doing so much for her ... he helped her so much in her bad time now she should not make him tense .... she use to crave for different things but never asked for a single thing as she feels herself not worthy for the things according to her the life she is living and the things she is getting is also a favour by Sanskar on her ....her condition is getting bad every passing day but she didn't skip her meals not even her Medicine even she try to be happy but end up with her own created mess ...with time she got habitual of less sleeping , drinking milk without throwing up , eating the healthiest food according to sanskar which contains the same vegetables and salads regularly .... she is living the life anyone can get bore of ....but she don't have right on her life also na .....according to her it's a life given by Ram and Priya and that too for giving birth to the babies and she don't want to destroy the efforts made by all of them to save her life ...
so she is living or you can say taking breaths ... when her motive will be completed may be she will also stop her breaths ..... god knows what's in her destiny ....
Like this one and half month passed . In starting Priya and Ram use to come and visit Swara and she is always happy when they came but now the visits also stop from one month as Priya is recommend to do full bed rest and Ram is busy with her . But , they call her every day and she act like she is the most happiest soul on the planet .... I think Sanskar is right she should get best actress award for showing how happy she is when from inside she is broken to a limit that one more push and the pieces she is holding will be scattered .....

In all this time one thing that didn't change is Sanskar always meet Swara in morning and night talk to babies say hello and asked is she following routine .... that's all .... he never cared for her .... he never looked at her face may be he is afraid if he see that face which use to glow always now have dullness .... he never see her eyes may be he is afraid he will not find the always shining eyes he will find emptiness..... he never looked towards her may be he knows the one girl whom he is used to admire is now lost somewhere .....
but this may be are not true because he don't see her face as he hate the face which he used to love once ... he never see her eyes because he think they will again say some lie .... he never admire her because he don't wanna fall for her once again ....
But who knows he lost her long back only ... the day he think she is acting of memory loss he lost her that day only ... the day he thought she don't care for him he lost her that day only ... now what left for loosing is just her soul to leave her body .... nothing else and that day will not be too far .

Will Sanskar ever got to know what Swara is going through or will it be too late ..... this much that he will never see her again ??will Swara live again or just survive ?

To know all the answers stay connected with the story ...

Any changes you want you can tell me ..

Thanku for reading 😊😊

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