The Activity Begins

83 7 11

Warnings: supernatural happenings

Inside the old farmhouse, everyone was asleep as the clocks chimed three. At the bottom of the stairs, the old grandfather clock ticked away ominously, as if something not quite right was coming. It continued to tick until it hit 3:07 and then it stopped. Not a sound coming from the old clock just an unnerving silence that seemed to hint at impending doom.

Upstairs, in the twins’ room, Jericho felt something pull his foot in his sleep, causing him to jerk awake. He yanked his foot underneath the covers as he groaned. “It's not funny, Apollo.”

“What?” Apollo asked sleepily as he shifted in his bed, the house still eerily cold.

“Stop grabbing my foot!”

Apollo frowned as he pulled the covers tighter against himself. “Shut up! I didn't touch your foot!”

“Yeah right,” Jericho mumbled as he turned over. “And stop farting, it stinks.”

Apollo rolled his eyes as he felt sleep pull at his consciousness. “Don't blame it on me,” he yawned. “It's probably you.”
Downstairs, the static of the t.v. bounced off the walls of the living room before a thudding woke Logan who had fallen asleep at his desk. He stood up and glanced around as he turned the t.v. off. Making his way into the hallway, he glanced down the hall and watched as the door at the end of the hall slowly creak open, the sound sending chills down his spine. He walked quickly to the doorway and saw nobody. Nothing out of the ordinary here. However, he did notice that the one window in the kitchen was open, blowing the curtains slightly. The logical man concluded that the wind was the reason as to why the door moved, his sleep-riddled brain not even thinking it weird that the door had opened against the wind.

The thudding sounded again, causing Logan's head to jerk up. The sound thudded throughout the house, the source seeming to come from upstairs. Logan quickly moved to the bottom of the stairs. When he whipped around the railing to go upstairs, he looked up to see Elliot on the stairs and stopped. “Dad?” They whispered groggily.

Logan frowned. “Elliot? What are doing out of bed? And do you know what that sound is?”

Elliot rubbed their eyes as they yawned. “It's Kai, they're in my room. They're sleeping walking again.”

Logan frowned. “Again?” As Elliot nodded, the two made their way up the stairs and into the younger's room to find Kai standing in front if the wardrobe and banging their head against the doors, creating the thumping noise from earlier.
“I've never seen them do this,” Elliot explained as Logan moved over to Kai and placed his hand in front of their forehead to stop them from continuing to bang it on the doors. “I remember you telling us not to wake them if they're like this.”

Logan nodded as he slowly guided the child away from the wardrobe. “Yeah. You just gotta put them back to bed.” Logan moved Kai out of the room as Elliot watched on. “They'll be okay. Good night, Elliot.”

“Night,” Elliot called before shutting their door and climbing back into bed, a little unnerved about the strange encounter.


Patton frowned as he filled the bathtub with warm water. “Kai's sleepwalking again? It's been a while.”

Logan nodded as he got ready to go to work. It was still early enough that the sun wasn't up yet, the two having a bit of time to themselves before Logan left and Patton had to get the kids up for school. “Yeah, they ended up in Elliot's room. It kinda freaked them out.”

Patton frowned as he turned off the faucet and felt the water to make sure it was warm enough. “That's not good. What do you think we are going to do?”

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