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"Woah woah woah!" i squealed,"you want me to go on a quest with you and i pretty much only know your name! Heck no, not until you tell me about yourself."

Alek looked annoyed. I could tell he thought i was just gonna say yes and go right along with him on his "journey to Mourdor", well i wasnt! Exasperated, he asked, "okay what do you want to know?"


"Okay, my name is Alek.I am 20 years old and i have been invisible to everyone since i was 10. My favorite color is blue and i love monkeys..."

He really wasnt doing this "getting to know you" thing very well. I didnt cae about his basic information! What i really wanted to know was the real nitty-gritty stuff. Like his old dreams, his hobbies, what type of person he was, and any other background information he had. I decided to give him an example of what giving information looks like.

"Ugh. No, not that information. Do as i do. Hello my name is Haley. Whenever i was visible, i wanted to write and sing. Music was my passion, and writing was my love. If i ever needed to vent, thoe to beautiful pass times were my outlet. I never really had any friends growing up. I guess i was just to shy to make any. I was bullied heavily all my life and because of that i think of myself as ugly and useless. Thats one of the reasons why i dont understand why you need me on this mission.You are a handsome enough guy. Can't you find yourself another prettier invisible girl. I'm also very stubborn. If i dont want to do something then i will not do it, and nothing you can say will make me. There, now thats an introduction! Your turn!"'

He cleared his throat, it was obvious he was nervous. What i didnt tell him in my introduction was that i was very good at reading body language and facial expressions. That may have been another reason why i had little to no friends. I was always pointing out emotions.

"Uhhh" He started "my name is Alexander, but everyone who used to know me calls me Alek. At first, they called me Alex, but i thought that was a girls name, so by the time i was 5, my name had officially changed to Alek. Apparently i have always been a person with dashing good looks. Just kidding, but I did always want to be a male underwear model. I know, it sounds weird, but i was always convinced that i would get all of the ladies i if modeled. In elementary school, i got realy bad grades. I felt that school was really stupid. Nothing that they taught me would help me in life, so whenever i turned ten i msde the bright decision to run away. For about three hours, everything went great. I had somehow navigated myself to the nearest McDonald's and smooth talked my way into a free vanilla cone It was that day when i realized my two greatest strenths: direction and persuasion. After i finished my cone, i got bored of running away and decided to head home. However, as i crossed a big highway, a large black truck came and ran smack over me. Not stopping to check and see i i lived. Thank goodness i did, and thats my story."

He shifted in his seat. An obvious sign of him hiding details. He quite clearly didnt want to talk about them just yet so i stayed silent and began running his story through my head. Nothing really special except for one simple thing that could have easily been overlooked.

"Did you say that you were hit by a large black truck?"

"yeah" he replied, "so?"

"did it have big bright lights and a sticker on its bumper that has a smile on it?"

"yeah...." he ran his fingers through his hair which made him look oddly attractive"

"Okay.. dont freak out...but i think we were hit by the same truck the day we became shadows..."

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