Two Player Game

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~i am hanging in the bathroom at the biggest party of the fall~

Lila rushes to the closest place she can find before she does something she regrets in front of an audience. That closest place happens to be a bathroom. Great.

~i could stay right here, or disappear, and nobody'd even notice at all~

What if she just stays there? Would anybody notice? Would anybody care?

~im a creeper in a bathroom cause my buddy kinda left me alone~

The answer is no. If She left Lila, if She pretended to not know the person She's known since they were kindergarteners, then obviously no one else would care. She went from the bottom straight to the top, just because she started taking drugs. More specifically: Weed, cigarettes, and vapes. Lila didn't see anything in those and what was so appealing to Her.

~but i'd rather fake pee than stand awkwardly or pretend to check a text on my phone~

Lila's mind spirals in pits of worry and she could feel the anxiety pooling at the bottom of her stomach. 'What was gonna happen to Luna once she gets caught by her parents?' 'What if Luna is sent away to rehabilitation?' 'What if Luna comes back from rehab and starts doing drugs again, but takes more drugs and alcohol?' 'What if...' Her mind kept offering up questions, and her heart kept racing and beating so hard, she could feel it.

~everything felt fine when i was half of a pair, now through no fault of mine, there's no other half there~

Once Lila finally calmed down after, what? 10 minutes? 20 minutes? She didn't exactly keep track. But once she was calm, she pulls out her phone to try to pass time. Instagram. Good choice.

Lila goes onto her profile to scroll through everything she has posted when she once was happy. The pictures bring a smile to her face. Except that short-lived smile drops as one picture catches her eyes. It was at the peak of Lila and Luna's friendship. It was the moment Lila realized that she liked- no, loved- still wrong- It was the moment she realized she loves Luna. She thought they were gonna be friends forever, even if there was unrequited love in that friendship.

The picture was of Luna, courtesy of Lila's photography skills, standing in front of some lights at a carnival while holding some cotton candy. In Lila's mind, Luna looked absolutely gorgeous in this picture, but Luna was always beautiful anyways.

But Luna's gone. Lila's alone now. No one there for her. And Lila isn't there for Luna anymore.

Her heart got ripped in two just some weeks after the post.

~now im just Michael in the bathroom, Michael in the bathroom at a party~

Its all gone. Her love. Her friend. Lila hadn't even noticed the tears streaming down her face. Her phone long forgotten. Lila covered her mouth to stifle the sobs starting to come out.

Her everything had been taken from her, just because of one cigarette. One cigarette is all it took. Then that one cigarette turned into two packs a day, turned into a vape, turned into vaping and using a bong.

If Luna could suddenly pretend Lila has never existed, so could Lila. Standing up, the girl takes a deep breath, wipes her tears, mutters to herself that one quote you all know that one might say to another after the Silent Treatment:

"Two can play at that game."

A/n- I was listening to Michael in the Bathroom and got an idea. This was my first songfic and my first chapter based somewhat on a song. I originally planned for a different ending, considering I didn't want all of it to be based on BMC, but fate had other plans that can lead into a possible second part.
Comment if you want a second part, I'll do my best-

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