here is another poem, but its not sad this time

15 2 4

(this was a project for school, mind you, so this is gon be kinda cringy)

If you listen, you can hear a friend.
It's in the way someone compliments you.
It's in the way you can hear them,
Even if they're not nearby.

If you look, you can see their acts of friendship.
It's in their way of giving you appreciation.
It's in the way of them laughing at your jokes,
Even if they're bad puns.

If you pay attention, you can smell a friend.
The smell is in a candle that reminds you of them.
The smell is sudden and random that you can't help but think that they'd like this.

If you try something, you get a taste of a friend.
It's in the way they're excited to introduce you to something.
It's in the way they invite you out to lunch on a work or school day,
Even if there's a chance of one being late.

If you spend time with a friend, you both feel touch.
It's the way when one has to leave, you hug them goodbye.
It's in the way you give them a high five after a game,
Even in you lost and they won or vice versa.

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