Trio of Staffs- Part 4

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Abigail was flung across the room by a woman no taller than she, who had a black ribbon tied around her neck, and hair as dark as a raven that flowed to the ground behind her and her crow's feather cloak. What stuck out most, however, was her eyes that glowed as if they had millions of fireflies stuck inside, but they still held a rage most passionate. Everyone recognized her as the feared Andrursa Vega, a Sorceress thought to have been born centuries ago, but became immortal after stealing from the gods for being cursed by one. She was so evilly eye-stopping. The Sorceress strode forward to Willows general area, where she stood frozen in fear. Willow hadn't thought she'd be in the presence of Vega again, yet here she was, standing before her former deity in fear rather than joy.

"My Dear, look at how much you've grown since you left the village. Come here to apologize and worship me once more, I suppose?" an devilishly angelic voice questions with a humor that twists.

Willow doesn't say anything but does notice Gabe being frozen in place. Not out of fear because he's trying to reach his sister, but because of magic too strong for him. Seeing this, her hand goes to her belt and unclasps the purple potion sitting on her waist and quickly throws it at her friend's feet, then immediately pulls out her wand and casts an attack spell on Vega and runs to help Abbi. Or rather, that's what she tried to do.

Instead, she threw the potion at Gabe's head, snapped her wand pulling it out, was picked up by the Sorceress's magic and was thrown on top of Abbi. Not what she hoped for at all.

Groaning, Willow starts to stand back up, but cannot, so she collapses. A second later, she realizes she still has her grip on the staff, and, hoping for Astralene to allow her to use the staff, she tries to cast an attack spell, but instead of an attack spell coming out, a defensive spell forced itself out and vines started to grow around Willow and Abbi. Quickly, Willow also drags Gabriel into the vine force-field.

Reaching towards her hat, she pulls off one of the little potion bottles filled with a small amount of healing, uncapped it, and let a drop fall inside both Gabe's and Abbi's mouths. Almost instantly, Abigail shoots up with wide eyes, followed by Gabe doing the same. They try to spit out the horrendous taste but cannot. As they keep coughing, they notice vines all around them. The two looked at Willow with confusion in their eyes, asking about what she dropped in their mouths and how the vines grew around them. Luckily, not so worried, Willow explains the first question with ease.

"Now how the vines came to be, I'm not really all that sure. I tried to use the staff to attack the Sorceress, but instead of an attack spell, a defensive one came out. My guess is that the staffs can only produce specific magic? Not entirely sure, but we have an angry sorceress on our hands that want to kill us for stealing the staffs back. Also, sorry for throwing a potion at your head, Gabe. Up you two go, time to fight," she says with a moan as she pulls both her friends up.

As soon as all are ready, the wall of vines break away revealing a furious Sorceress Vega. She immediately attacks all three with the power of the staffs. However, the staffs don't seem to agree and instead fly away from her hands. Vega tries to get them back, but has to give up and takes out her own personal wand. She aims at where the kids were, but much to her dismay, they were not there. Her head swiveled around, but she didn't see them, and not even the staffs for that matter. The trio of children took the staffs from her. She wasn't very happy, they could tell you that. A slam of a door turns her head once more, and she rushes after them in the storming blizzard atop Mount Loche.

Using the green staff, Willow causes vines to grow into a ramp that she and the other two use to slide down the mountaintop. Abbi uses the light blue staff and brings water out onto the vines, which freeze and cause them to slide even faster and more efficiently. Sadly, Gabe couldn't do anything with the darker blue staff, for no one knew what it could do. As they all slide down the mountainside, a scream of fury was heard, and panicking, Gabe cast a spell in a rush and an avalanche fell on top of Andrursa Vega. Instead of looking back like an average protagonist, everyone keeps looking forward as the slip down the vines and ice.

The forest seems more spooky than before, and Willow is the only one who can guess why.

"Does anyone know why the forest seems spookier than before?" Gabe asks in fear.

"I've got an idea. My idea is the forest was cursed by the Sorceress so that whoever knows her name, and walks into the forest, will see eyes and hear voices and it causes them to go crazy," Willow guesses wildly.

"Are you implying you know her name? I mean, considering your guess and how before you were talking about whispering voices and seeing eyes in the shadows."

"No answer, lets go home."

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