Chapter twenty six

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Anna's POV

I open my eyes and saw trees,many trees. I look around noting that I'm in some kind of forest. Where am I? And what the hell am I doing here?

"Is this a dream?" I asked to myself. I walked around and a moment later I found myself in a lake. I found a big rock near the edge of the lake and go there to sit. I just sat there looking at the still water,so still that it looks like a mirror. I got to my knees and lean in to look at the water. It looks like a normal water but there something not normal about it. I can't see how deep its is because its so dark. I lean in further and touch the water making ripples. Something move in the water as I did so but I'm not sure. I was just withdrawing my hand when someone or something grab my wrist and pull me down in the water. If you're thinking that since I'm just in the edge of the lake its not deep but you're wrong. Even in the edge its so deep,its like a hole full of water. I clawed at the hand grabbing me but it just drag me deeper. My lungs are really begging me to take a deep breath. I know its stupid but its a reflex,I open my mouth and take a breath but all I get is water. I'm getting dizzy because of the lack of oxygen. I try kicking it to make it released its hold with my last strength but its a losing battle.


As if someone heard me,the grip on my wrist is released and the feeling of warmth engulf me as I'm drag to the surface. We broke to the surface with a gasp. We got in the ground and lay there gasping for breath. I look at my savior and see its Katherine. Her long black hair is slick back in her hard and her clothes are cling to her body showing her curves. I know,I know,I just survive drowning and I'm drooling at her body as I laid my eyes on it.

"It'll last longer if you take a picture." She look at me and smirk. I blush. Another thing that I'm blaming her for. Its like all my blood is in my face when I'm with her.

"Where are we?" I asked her as she sit up. I look up at her from my current position because I'm too tired to move around.

"I don't know,its your dream so you say where we are." She stood up and offer her hand to me. I ignore it and just keep looking at her. She raise an eyebrow and I take her hand.

"If we are in my dream then why the hell am I drowning myself? And also why are you in my dream?" I asked when I'm finally standing. My knees feel like their made of jelly instead of bones. To prove my point,I my knees betrayed me and buckled but before I hit the ground Katherine's arm snake around my waist and prevent me to fall. I look up to say thank you but the words got stuck in my throat as I see that our face are just inches apart and I'm practically clinging to her. As usual I blushed deeply but didn't look away. I lean in and press my lips to hers and she responded by deepening the kiss. I clutch the front of her shirt and press myself closer to her as her arms around my waist tighten. The butterflies erupted again in my stomach and I shiver.

"Well,well,well what a surprise to see you here Alexandra and your Titania." A voice said. Katherine reacted faster than me and spun around bringing me behind her. A man wearing a black robe with a hood is standing across on the other side of the lake.

"Who are you?" Katherine asked the man. Even though he is across from us I can't help the shiver that ran down my spine when he speak again.

"Don't you remember me Alexandra?" He didn't wait for a reply and continue,

"I'm Mathias." And smirk.

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