Chapter 4

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~Rosella's POV~ 

"Well I am, Zayne... Zayne Stone." He answered with a smile. For some reason that name sounded familiar. But that would be impossible... Thinking about it just makes me confused. I mean I haven't even seen the person with my own eyes yet. Not even a picture. To be honest. 

"And You are?" He asked as he looked with his smile plastered on his face. Me, saying my name? I hesitated a bit. What if he'll know me right away or What if his some spy to guard me if I leave the palace? What if... He's a kidnapper and he wants to known my whereabouts? I mean he did see me climbing down the palaces' walls. Or... the big question. Can I even trust this guy?

I looked at him again and tried to figure him out. Or maybe try to read his mind or something. But I couldn't. I just see his smile plastered all over his face. He is really unreadable and I can't even predict him, Just like my Father. But I guess I'll never really know if I don't try... right? I guess to know the answer I need to risk it. Just like risking escaping from the Palace.

"Nicole." I answered and His smile turned brighter. "Nicole Hilton." I continued and he raised an eyebrow. I gave him a confused look. And he just lets out a soft chuckle. For some reason I found it oddly cute. Its weird but, I confess that I do find it kinda cute.

"Well, It's nice to meet you Miss Nicole." He said with a smile. I smiled back at him, returning the favor. I glanced at the stars and found them shining brightly up in the sky. It was beautiful indeed. "This is the first time I've seen you around here. Right?" He asked as we walk towards the town. "Are you perhaps a Traveler?" He asked again as he looked at me. 

"Yes... This is actually the first time we have met." I answered and he just nodded. "And... Well... Not really... I'm not a traveler out of this Kingdom." I answered and his face was now full of confusion. "It's just that I don't go out too much." I said and glanced at him, still with a confused look. "I always stay Inside the Pal-" I stopped as I just realized that I almost slipped at telling him that I live in the Palace. "I mean... In my home." I said and he just nodded. I let out a sigh of relief as we just kept walking. 

"So... Do you have any siblings?" He asked as we just wondered around and I looked at them with amusement. As he mentioned siblings. My older brother and my younger brother came to my mind, I saw them have worried looks on their faces. Making me feel guilty about it. 

"Yes... Actually I have two." I answered and his eyes was surprised and kind of... Shock? "Two brothers to be exact. One Older and the other Younger." I continued and he glanced at me with a scared look on his face. "What? Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Won't your brother be mad at you?" He asked and I jut raised an eyebrow. "Why would that be?" I asked and looked at him with confusion filling me. "Well, Your out here. Outside of town with a stranger. A complete stranger! and also you are alone with the stranger." He said with panic visible to his tone. I chuckled and looked at him with a smile. "What?" He asked.

"Well, First of all, I know my brother would be mad that I am outside of town. Second, My brother doesn't even know that I escaped and Lastly I know you're a complete strange, But I got a feeling that you're not as bad as you look." I said and He just gave me a weird look. I just ignored him and continued walking around the town. 

We walked quietly, which I found very calming. I was glad that he didn't bother asking more questions. Since I might slip somethings that I am keeping as a secret as of now. I still want to explore the town or maybe go further, Probably going to another kingdom? But it would be very far and quite hard. But I can ask him. I glanced at Zayne and see him gazing at the stars. He seemed so mesmerized by them. It made me somehow. Happy? No...  Amazed? Probably no. Bu there was just something about him gazing at the stars. It was as if it's the first time he saw them... or maybe It is?

"Can you stop staring at me. It's gonna make me melt sooner or later." He said making me snap out of my thoughts. I looked at him and gave him a confused look. "Excuse me?" I asked and he just chuckled. "Hey, I know I look good and all. But don't stare at me like that. It's gonna make this hot guy melt." He said and gave me a wink. Making me chuckle and annoyed at what he just said. "Anyways, Why are you looking at me?" He asked and I stopped chuckling and thought for a second.

"I was just captivated at how you look at the stars." I answered and he gave me a 'what' look. "I mean... It's like as if it's the first time you have ever seen the stars." I said and his face turned neutral. I just looked at him and heard him let out a sigh. 

"Actually... It is kind of the first time I've seen them here." He said making me confused. "I always just saw them In pictures or paintings... This is the first time I've seen them this close." He said as he gazed at them. I was confused and understanding. I also actually felt it. Like seeing them when you're outside is the best. I only just saw the out of my little window. Nowhere else.

"Hey Zayne." I called out and he looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I took a deep breath and hesitated if I would ask him to take me somewhere else. But I knew for myself that I need to see that place as of now. "Do you know the way to the other Kingdoms nearby?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow.

"Well... Yeah, I do know the way to some of them." He answered making me feel relieved and excited.  "Why?" He asked as he gave me a confused look. I smiled and just looked at me as if I was a weird psychopath or something. 

"Take me to the Kingdom of Ellesmere." I said and looked at him with a serious face. And he gave me another weird look. I just sighed and looked at him. "I'm Serious Zayne, Can you take me to the Kingdom of Ellesmere." I said and he just gave me a worried look. 

"Are you sure?" He asked and I glared at him. "But Why?" He asked. I sighed and look at him

"I want to see What the Kingdom of Ellesmere looks like. I want to know somethings about that Kingdom." I answered and he just gave me a 'really' look.

"Fine, I'll take you there. But there's one more thing I have to ask." He said. I raised an eyebrow and he sighed.
"Why do you want to know something about that Kingdom?" He asked and I just stayed silent.

"Come on." He said and I hesitated a bit but just gave up.

"I have somethings that I need to know and take a search about. Especially that place. I need some Information from that Kingdom." I answered and he just nodded. "Now, Can you take me there as soon as possible?" I asked and he just nodded as a response.

"I'll take you to the Kingdom of Ellesmere. But there's one condition." He said making me whine. "What is it?" I asked. "You'll know once we get there." He answered and smiled. I just looked at him as he continue to walk. 'Well this is just great...' I thought to myself. And followed him. 

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