Boy Meets Evil ( The Idea)

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                 That day in the evening everyone gathered in the drawing room and were discussing about their recent activities. Yunlan was giving each and everyone instructions. Zhu and Gelan were assigned tasks too. They were hacking goddess. All of a sudden Ye Zun came down and told," Da Quing I'm going to see my friend. He broke his leg and all of my friends are coming. So I'm going. "
               "Stop. You can't go out of this house. You are now a caged bird. Da Quing tell him that his subordinates are angry on this twin because they are in relationships with us. They are planning to kill this two. So don't let him go." Yunlan went to his room like a storm.
            "Listen to him boy." Chu spoke in a sly tone. " Hey you guys... How old are you? "Ye Zun asked."All of us are 23. We are same age.",Sang Zhan asked, "Why?". " Because I'm 25. And no one is calling me ge. That's why. " Ye Zun told while pouting cutely.
No one expected that Guo would be the one to blast the bomb." So Ye Zun ge do you want Da Quing to call you gege too? " Chu was mesmerized to see that side of his boyfriend. Everyone showed thumbs up except Ye Zun.
                Ye Zun sat on the sofa with a thump and told irritatedly, " You guys are really good friends of that Yunlan." After a pause Da Quing asked, " Hey Ye Zun did you know that uncle Xin Chi was murdered? "
                Ye Zun started with a melancholic voice, " Nope. Uncle Xin was a really good friend of my father. He used to come with aunt and their elder son Yu. Yu was 2 years older than me but we were good friends. Shen Wei was not that much friend of Yu. Then when we turned 10 one day uncle bought his younger son Zen. Such a shy kid. " Ye Zun stopped for thinking something. " Da Quing! Now I'm thinking about it and.... and Yunlan is Zen? "
                 "Yup I guess so. Because he is the younger son of Xin Chi. Actually Mr. Zhao never said anything about his past though he knew something. " Da Quing told. Wang interrupted, " Ye Zun continue with your story. " Ye Zun came back from his thoughts," Ah.. Yeah. But still I can't believe that shy kid who used to afraid of rose thorns now is a gangster who is killing people. How? " Every one was glaring at him. " Okkk. Sorry. This time that shy Zen didn't became friends with me. So I took him towards our rose garden. It was the favourite place of my gege. He spent his all money in gardening. And his favourite is red roses. Don't know why but my gege came to be friends with that kid. For the first time I saw my gege to go to a stranger at first. "
                Ye Zun smiled and continued, "That kid became friends with my gege. But I and Yu noticed that he was afraid of roses! Can you believe that he was afraid of roses! In the garden he was clinging to Wei. But soon my brother realized that he was not afraid of roses but the thorns. And he did everything for taking away that fear from that boy. For two months they came often. Yu used to stay with me and Zen with Shen Wei. Eventually I got to know from Yu that Zen was not afraid of roses anymore. He started to study gardening and being ready for starting gardening. But there would be only red roses like my gege's. He started to love only red roses. Nothing more. What a copy cat!"
                    Ye Zun stopped for taking breath. " Then what happened? " Guo asked in a serious way. " After two months uncle Xin came angrily and had a argument with my dad. From that day we couldn't get to see those two. Shen Wei asked our dad about Zen and got a slap and rough words in return. He really liked that kid. But all of a sudden in a month dad sent us to Japan for studies along with Zhu and Gelan. Soon enough we got the news of the accident of Xin family and everyone died. I still remember that day. When the news came I couldn't believe it and gege locked himself in his room. He cried for the whole day. He didn't use to have any friends rather than three of us. But it was the exception for Zen. But we couldn't do any thing, even it was impossible for us to attend their funeral. "
            "So do Shen Wei still remember Yunlan I mean Zen. " Da Quing asked. " Nope. It was a great scar in his heart. So our dad forcibly took him for counciling and he was forced to forget Zen. And in those growing years he forgot everything and became a brat. What a coincidence! My gege completely transformed into a brat like me and Zen became like that. " Ye Zun went to his own thinking world again .
                Suddenly Zhu Hong asked ," But I have a question. How you six mate each other? " Lin smiled, " In an orphanage. Every year on a particular day Mr. Zhao used come in the orphanage and celebrated with us. That was the death date of his wife and his own son. But that year he came with a boy who was around our age. The first one he became friends with was Da Quing. Then he became friends with us. He was a really good friend. When he went home, we started to feel alone and sad. " Chu continued, " Ya! But the next day five of us got news that we had been adopted by a certain someone who told the authority to not to disclose his identity to us. We used to be very naive and got afraid easily. A luxurious car came to pick up us. We came in this mansion, named as Rose Villa. Such a weird name. But when we entered in this mansion we were welcomed by Yunlan and Mr. Zhao. "
                " This was the plan of Yunlan. Mr. Zhao never said no to him. Later on we got to know that he was adopted and he lost his whole family and he wanted to take revenge. And we loved him so much and promised him that we would help him in any kind of work. Don't think that we regret it. Not at all. It's our family business. Yunlan was the one who gave us family. " Sang Zhan was serious.
                " OK. Don't regret it. Just tell me one thing. If Zhen is Yunlan and my gege is his Rose ge, then how to make them remember it? " Ye Zun was desperate to make them serious about that.

Guo : " Just tell those two everything ".
Ye Zun : " Are you mad? You are
                thinking that we will tell
                Yunlan and he will accept it! "
Da Quing : "Then? "
Zhu Hong : " I have an idea. Let's hit
                        brother-in-law's head
                        with a heavy object and                             
                        he will remember it for

                Everyone became silent and turned towards Zhu Hong. " Are you serious? Before he would remember his past, he will kill us for sure. " Da Quing was furious. All of them were thinking, " What to do? "

                 When Yunlan entered his room he saw Shen Wei was looking at the window sadly. Yunlan thought it was because of his dad. Yunlan went to Wei's side and sat beside him. He asked what happened to him, why he was sad. Wei told him, " Yunlan I have a request. Will you grant it for me? I want to go to your rose garden. I love red roses too. " Yunlan smiled happily, " Obviously you can go. I love red roses too. Let's go. Have some fresh air. Let me help you. "
                 Yunlan took Wei in the bridal stile and when he was coming down with Shen Wei , everyone saw them and stopped their chit chat and wondered what they were doing. Yunlan went to the garden and make Wei sit on the bench and sat beside him.
                  Wei was the first to break the icy silence," Yunlan I saw so many paintings and pictures of red roses in your house, specially in the bed room. There is a big garden of red roses and there are so many red rose trees in the balcony. Do you love red rose that much? "
                 " Yup ",Yunlan smiled sadly, " Before the accident I used to have a Rose ge who made me love red roses though I can't remember anything else except that. But still I know that he exists, he is real. Doctors told me that I am imagining things. But I know in those nightmares he is the only sweet dream I have."
                 " I can totally feel you. In my dreams I always see a small kid with whom I used to sit in my rose garden. But I can't remember anything at all. I asked Ye Zun, he told me the same thing that I am imagining but I can feel that my own didi is lying to me constantly. " Wei was becoming sad in every single moment. Yunlan took Wei's head put it on his shoulder and gripped Wei's thin waist . Yunlan spoke after placing a gentle kiss on Wei's head, " Don't worry! I'm with you. I will take care of you and take you to my garden everyday. You will not feel lonely anymore. I'm with you."
                They really started to love each other. On the other hand among the audience Wang suddenly told, " I have a nice idea. Why not we create the same incident and atmosphere they used to share. I guess then they can remember their past." Everyone was pleased to hear that and they started to process that plan immediately.

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