Touch Up

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                    As the CEO of the Zhao Industry, Zhao Yunlan had a lot of works to do. But that day was exceptional. His brother come best friend Da Quing was in relationship with Ye Zun who was a famous photographer and they were planning to get married in a month. Though Yunlan had given the permission but they needed the permission of Ye Zun's gege Shen Wei. So they arranged a formal meeting that day.    
               " Yunlan we are going to be late. If we be late then I'm going to kill you for sure. Come out from your office. " Da Quing was screaming over the phone. Yunlan cursed Da Quing and leaved the office room. " Where is your driver? " Da Quing asked. " I'm going to drive my bestie on his great day ",Yunlan hugged Da Quing tightly.                Da Quing told while patting Yunlan's back, " My dear friend you gave me leave from the evening, 24X7 I'm with you, there is no need to miss me that much."
                Da Quing was the personal assistant of Yunlan and brother and best friend. He covered a large amount of place in Yunlan's life. They got into Yunlan's black sports car and went towards the meeting place. " By the way Da Quing tell me the directions. Where are we going any way? " Zhao Yunlan was having some snacks and choked on it when he heard the answer, "We are going to a gay club. Shen Wei works there as a part time drag queen. Though he works for part time, he is the best in that club . "
                "What?A gay club? For real? I'm not going into that club." Yunlan was shouting. Da Quing frowned, "Why? Why you will not enter there? I knew that you hate gay people. I knew it. " Yunlan was sorry for what he had said, " I'm so sorry. You know very well that I don't hate gay people. Even I'm a big supporter of the LGBTQ community. I just don't like the environment of a gay club. All of them are so clingy and I can't be myself. It's suffocating to me. "
                " OK. You don't have to go there in your life. Just for today, come with me. And more over you don't have to stay in the club, we will go in the green room with Ye Zun to meet my brother-in-law." Da Quing was too much excited. Yunlan smiled and said inwardly, " Don't worry dad. I'm always with my Da Quing. I'll do everything for him. I'm with him whenever he wants me. "
               They reached to the famous gay club. As they entered Yunlan was amazed to see the whole crowd was cheering for some lady who was singing on the stage.
                 Suddenly Yunlan saw Ye Zun was coming towards them. Da Quing hugged him tightly and Yunlan shook his hand with him. Ye Zun took them to the VIP green room. Yunlan became mesmerized at side of the person sitting infront of mirror. That person suddenly turned towards them and smiled like a spring breeze, " Good evening. I'm Shen Wei, gege of Ye Zun. I've already mate Da Quing. Then you must be his brother Yunlan, right? " Yunlan nodded and greeted back, " Nice to meet you. I'm really looking forward to your approval about their marriage."
                Yunlan was lacking words. He was totally stunned to see Shen Wei. Shen Wei was wearing a traditional white kimono, wearing a long haired wig and a hairpin was attached to it. His makeup was completely like a girl. It was hard for Yunlan to think straight. Shen Wei was looking beautiful. He thought, "Now I can see why he is the best drag queen of this club. I shouldn't let that chance to slip away from me. I need to be friends with such a beauty."
                 Yunlan at last broke his silence, " Mr Shen Wei, if you don't mind then I want to talk to you personally. I have already talked to your brother so many times but it will be good if I talk to you for once." Shen Wei smiled, " Obviously Mr Zhao."
                   To give them privacy Da Quing and Ye Zun went out from the room. Before they started talking Shen Wei excused himself a little because he needed to be changed and be freshed. Five minutes later when Shen Wei came from the washroom, Yunlan was amazed to see that handsome man in a casual black shirt and in jeans.
                     " I hope you have a lot of questions about us, that's why you asked for privacy. You can ask. I'll give you every answer, whatever you want to know.", Shen Wei began. Yunlan asked," Not that much of question but I'm really curious about your actual job. You are a part time drag queen here but what is your full time identity?" Shen Wei answered jokingly, " Maybe you will never be able to find Shen Wei in any kind of profession. I don't use my name any where. As the drag queen I'm known as Queen here and I'm known as The Black Cloak Envoy also."
                    Yunlan was speechless again, " You are The Black Cloak Envoy? The best author of past 5 years and the head of the writing department in my company. OMG. I finally get to meet you. I'm a big fan of your work." Shen Wei smiled a little, "Thanks. Have you any other questions for me? "
                    "Why don't you show your face to everyone? Why you write under a pen name and btw call me Yunlan." Yunlan was too much curious. Shen Wei sat straightly, " I don't think that people will like a crossdresser or a drag queen as a famous writer. That's why I don't like to tell anyone about my true identity. Promise me Yunlan you'll never tell anyone about that." Yunlan nodded unwillingly.
                 That day four of them had a beautiful dinner and spent time with each other. Shen Wei got to know that Da Quing was Yunlan's adopted brother. Da Quing got drunk easily and hugged Yunlan," Say thanks to dad for me. I'm thankful to you that though I'm adopted by dad but you two were always with me and still now you are supportive to my marriage. Thanks bro. I'm really lucky to have such a great family and such a great best friend." Soon after that Da Quing got unconscious and Yunlan apologized to the twins and took him away.
               Yunlan and Shen Wei already had exchanged their personal numbers. They used to chat, call and meet each other in the office or at the club. Even they went to a few "friendly dates". Both of them loved each other but couldn't tell that. One year marriage anniversary of Da Quing and Ye Zun's was going to be celebrated.
                 One day afternoon Da Quing came to bar and confirmed that Yunlan also loved Shen Wei. To hear that Ye Zun told," Gege! Just go and confess to him. Don't worry we get your back." Chu Suzhi and Guo Chengcheng were the couple who was the owner of the bar and the good friends of the twins. They told Shen Wei to go and gave a surprise to Yunlan.
              Shen Wei gathered his all confidence and went to the office without the knowledge of Yunlan. He went to the top floor and about to open the door but he noticed the door was opened and Yunlan was kissing a glassed man. Shen Wei couldn't react to it and went away from the floor. When he was about to leave he bumped with Sang Zhan and Wang Gelan, the editor and the illustrator of Shen Wei. They saw Shen Wei was crying and without telling anything he left.
              Yunlan got to know everything but couldn't get the actual reason. He dashed to the club by his sports car. When he entered Da Quing came furiously and about to hit," Don't you love Shen Wei? You told me that you do love him then how dare you were kissing another man in your office? How can you do that to him?"
                 Yunlan frowned," Huh? I kissed another man? Who? In my day I only kissed Lin Jhing." Da Quing was astonished," What? Lin Jhing? As far I know that he is fucking straight and has Zhu Hong as his girlfriend."
                 " Ya ya, he is straight but Zhu was having a problem with the drawing of the kissing scene for her new manga. That's why she requested me to kiss Lin Jhing. That's why we kissed each other to help Zhu. Da Quing I never expected that you would misunderstand me. I'm dissapointed with you. Btw I'm going back. I have a lot of works to finish." Yunlan was sad and angry at the same time.
           Shen Wei ran towards Yunlan and hugged him tightly," I'm sorry Yunlan. I was not confident much about myself that if I'm worthy of you or not. That's why I misunderstood you just to cover up my coward self. I'm sorry, please don't leave me." Yunlan hugged him back and kissed his head, "Silly! I love you, I'll never leave you alone. You are mine. So when you are going to marry? And where? "
               Shen Wei smiled," Whenever and wherever you want, I'm ready to marry you." Yunlan said," Do you have any request? I'll like to fulfill it."
Shen Wei lowed down his voice," Can I wear the white gown in our marriage and cross dress." Yunlan kiss him," Obviously. I'll send you my people to get details about your dress and we will have this ceremony in the private beach."
             In a week Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan married each other and started a life where the other one would never judge the another one  for his work or his dressing scenes or about the dreams.

I'm really sorry for making you wait.... 😫😫😫😫 I was facing some network issues due to some political reasons here, the whole network system was cut off.... 😓😓😓😓 That's why I was not able to complete it and save it.... I'm really sorry for late..  😣😣😣 .... Wait for the next one.... Stay tuned.... 😘😘😘😘


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