Chapter Ten

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Zayn's POV

I sink down into the soft, beige coloured chair before pulling my phone out of my pocket. It reads 12:30. Everyone's probably already had breakfast. I press the small 'iMessage' icon and make a group chat with everyone that came with us to the hotel.

"Meet at my room in 20 minutes." I type rapidly.

My phone buzzes with replies from everyone. I push it back into my pocket and press the power button on the t.v remote. I flick through the channels for awhile before I hear a knock on the cheap wooden door. I get up a little too quickly and walk slowly towards the door. I swing it wide open and there stands Steph, Carly and Marlee.

"Hey! Come in." I say, Gesturing for them to come inside.

"So why did you text us all?" Carly questions.

"Well, I had an idea, but I'm not telling you 'til everyone else comes. They pull a fake sad face before laughing and running into the couch.

Steph lingers behind and stays at the doorway. I turn and she pulls me into her face. Our lips collide, and my heart beats faster than ever. I hear Carly and Marlee giggling behind us, but I ignore them. Steph breaks away from the kiss laughing and skips inside. I roll my eyes jokingly and follow behind. Steph's hair bounces up and down on her back as she flops down on the couch. I adore her.

5 minutes later everyone is gathered in my small room and everyone is asking me why I have 'gathered' them here.

"Okay everyone be quiet! Good. Now I've has an idea. Let's go to a nightclub tonight!' I say excitedly. For a couple of seconds there is a bit of an awkward silence, but then everyone yells and the girls squeal in delight and they all rush out the door to get ready, leaving me once again, alone in my small hotel room.

Harry's POV

I don't know why, but I somehow ended up sharing a room with the loudest, most cheekiest and noisiest snorer of the group. Louis. He practically bounces of the walls in excitement in the long process of getting ready to go the nightclub. I roll my eyes as Louis throws his clothes across the room in search of his favourite t-shirt. I walk slowly over to my own suitcase and pull out some black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. I brush my hair back with my fingers and exit the bedroom to power the t.v on. I press the small green icon on the remote before the t.v makes a weird noise and switches onto the last channel we watched. The kids cartoon channel. It was pretty funny, so I leave it on for 10 minutes, and then call out to Louis.

"Louis, I'm going to Zayn's room now, are you coming?" I say as I switch the t.v off.

"Coming!" He yells out and then stumbles out into the little hallway in his denim jeans and a red striped top.

I leap up off the coach, open the hotel room door and we head out to the lift at the end of the corridor. Once we get to the lift I hear someone walking to the lift too, and I look over my shoulder and Lilia comes out from around the corner looking stunning. She's wearing a midnight blue dress with a small bow tied around the middle. She waves happily. I wave back and wait for her to get here.

"Hi Lilia!" Lou says cheerfully.

"Hey." She says.

"You look beautiful." I whisper to her making her giggle. The three of us press the down button on the lift and we wait until the lift doors open and we step inside.

"I'm so excited, I haven't been to a nightclub before!" Lilia says quickly and excitedly. Louis and I try to hold back laughs- She hasn't been to a nightclub before!

"Yeah, you'll have lots of fun." Louis answers her.

The lift dings and we walk across the corridor to Zayn's room where we were all going to meet.

"Finally, you three are here!" Niall says opening the door, before pushing us out and followed by the others and outside.

We walk since the club is only a couple streets away. We arrive at 'Marquee', where loud music and flashy lights greet us. It's 9:00 pm already; wow, time goes fast.

"Okay let's go dance!" One of the girls shout out loud.

Marlee's POV

I rush inside the doors of 'Marquee'. I'm so excited to dance and drink with my best mates.

A/N- Everyone's underage, but please just go with it for the benefit of the story, thanks xxx S.

Marlee's POV

The music pounds and I jump up and down sweating and panting. Its definitely fun, but also extremely tiring. Niall pulls me by my arm up to the bar.

"2 Vodkas please." He tells the bar-tender. An unsure, nervous feeling rushes through me, but is soon washed away as soon as the liquid gets tipped down my throat. An amazing sensation runs through my blood and I want more.

"4 More please." I yell out at the bar-tender again.

He pushes 4 little cups forward and I grab two and tip them down my throat. This is going to be a great night.

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