Chapter Eight

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Lilia's POV

I switch off my lamp beside my bed and turn to face the back wall. My head sits comfty on the pillow, and I'm tucked into the bed all warm. I close my eyes and a face of kind, gentle and caring invades my head. A head full of curls and eyes of emerald green. I suddenly open my eyes and realise then and there, that I like Harry.

The Morning~

Lilia's POV

I arranged to meet Harry in the lobby of the hotel so we could walk down to the breakfast dining room. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail before slipping on a summer dress. I slipped on my sandals and shuffled to the end of the corridor where the lift is.I press up and wait for the lift to come to my level, 3. It eventually dings and I enter the lift where two tall boys are laughing and talking. I smile at them before pressing level one. I hear them whisper behind me and then one of them speaks.

"Hi, I'm Luke. This is my brother Jai." He says pointing to the smaller boy behind him. I smile at them before answering.

"Hi, I'm Lilia." I wave and then the lift stops at level one.

"Oh, I have to go. See ya' around?" I ask and they nod. They sounded Aussie.

I step out of the lift and look up to see Harry. He looks a little annoyed, but I don't know why. I'm not late. Or am I? I look at my phone. 8:56 am. Nope not late. I wave at Harry, and we link arms and walk towards the breakfast room.

"So, is your room good?" Harry asks.

"Yeah. I have a great view of the city. It's amazing!" I say excitedly.

"That's good." He says picking up a plate for boh of us. We continue talking as we look at the buffet food. We evenually finishing piling our plates with un-necessary foods and walk over to an available table.

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