Chapter Three

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Lilia's POV

My hand smacks down hard on the beeping alarm clock. I roll over in hope of getting more sleep even though I know it won't happen. I sigh and get up and out of bed.

I take a shower and decide what to wear on the sunny bright day it is. I end up choosing a floral tank top with light denim shorts. I slip some sandals on and run down the stairs to the kitchen.


I really want to be any other place other than school right now. The teacher is saying some maths question but all I hear is blah, blah, blah. I mean she's already explained like 50 times already.

I gaze beside me and look up at the clock. 20 more minutes. I hope I live. I turn my back around and see the 'cool' group of boys in the back corner. They are all in their own world except for Harry. He's concentrating on something, but I don't know what. It's so weird. I used to be best friends with him but now he's just blocked me out almost. I get tired of daydreaming and thinking about when we were friends and look back up at the board.

"Miss Foreman! Are you there? It's rude to look at something else whilst I'm speaking! Detention for you." Mrs Lace yells.

I have only ever got a detention once in year eight when I misheard the teacher and yelled out the misunderstood word. I sigh, thinking about how my parents will react, then go collect the little slip labeled 'Detention Pass'.

As I enter the room of misery, I want to fall asleep, just on the floor. I'm so tired and I planned to go sleep when I got home but instead I'm spending my precious sleeping time sitting in the middle of the bad ass kids world.

The door clicks open and a mop of curls enter the room. My eyes trail away when his emerald green ones meet mine. Harry pulls out a chair next to me and starts talking.

"So, haven't speaken to you in a long time." I'm shocked by his words.

"You- You remember me?" I stutter.

"Um well I can't really forget about the girl I spent almost my while childhood with, could I?" he says making me go red.

"Why is someone popular and cool like you talking to a dork like me?" I ask.

"Lilia you are not a dork. You are a girl who hasn't defined her place in this world." The words leave his pink lips and I look away.

"So, you busy this weekend? I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere?" he scratches the back of his head nervously.

I'm almost about to say I'm busy, but I honestly am sick of spending my weekends in my dark room listening to music alone. I know, best weekend ever.

"I'd love to go somewhere with you Harry." I state and I see relief wash over his face.

I'm already nervous for the weekend. He's like a stranger to me, except 7 years ago I knew every thing about him, before he dropped me and found better friends.

A/N- Comment any ideas! Scarlett xxx

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