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seokmin awoke the next day, feeling some sort of bubbling feeling in his stomach. 'jisoo is picking me up!!!' ran through his head multiple times. he wanted to wear a cute outfit.

he would never admit it to the elder, but he wanted to dress nicely for jisoo.

seokmin searched through his closet before he found the perfect fit. it was a beige hoodie with cute plant drawings on the back. seokmin paired this hoodie with some overalls and brown timbs. he fixed his hair before packing his stuff up.

seokmin went to the kitchen and filled his water bottle before hearing a knock on the front door. seokmin slipped his bottle into his bag. he ran and got the door. it was jisoo.

god, he was so good looking.

he had a black shirt over a white long sleeve. both layers were tucked into black jeans and jisoo had white fila sneakers to top it off.


seokmin's mouth widened at just how pretty jisoo was. his shock eventually turned into happiness with the ends of his mouth tugging to smile. jisoo giggled.

"i like your outfit, seokmin."

jisoo opened his arms for a hug. seokmin embraced him and squeezed the elder. jisoo's face was flushed, not expecting seokmin to give him such a big hug. it felt nice and warm.

"s-should we go?"

jisoo stuttered, his face a light shade of pink. seokmin nodded and the two made their way over to jisoo's light blue smart car. it was rather small, but cute. it suited jisoo. the two of them climbed in and jisoo plugged his phone into the car to play chill songs.

seokmin hummed to the songs he knew, but he mostly listened to jisoo singing along to it. seokmin was hypnotized by the american boy's voice to the point of not even realizing that they made it to the school until jisoo waved his hand in front of the younger's face.

"c'mon, you little astronaut."

jisoo climbed out of the car and seokmin followed in confusion.


jisoo giggled a bit.

"yeah, you're a cute little astronaut with your head in the clouds. you look adorable when you're daydreaming, also."

seokmin's ears reddened at the elder's comment. seokmin's hand lingered around jisoo's hand, contemplating if he should hold his hand.

jisoo was thinking the exact same thing. he took a deep breath and grabbed seokmin's and to pull him towards the library.

"onward, space cadet, as we venture the unexplored school library!"

jisoo pushes the double doors of the library open. most of the bookshelves were around the sides of the library. there were tables and a computer lab scattered throughout the middle portion of the place. a scarce amount of students were here;
some looking through books, library staff shelving some books and a group of girls talking together at a table.

how peaceful.

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