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seokmin walked into the cafe to see jeonghan and wonwoo looking to the door in shock. the three boys stared at each other, trying to figure out what in the world just happened. jeonghan looked to wonwoo, and wonwoo only gestured the boy to go ahead and do whatever he was planning in his head.

"s-seokmin! hey." jeonghan said awkwardly. a thick cloud of silence overcame as they all just stared at each other. jeonghan broke it again.

"so, what're you doing here right now so early in the morning?"

"what happened to jisoo?"

jeonghan tried to play dumb. "what do you mean?"

"you know what i mean, jeonghan" it didn't work.

"well, he just kinda came in, saw us and said things after hearing my private conversation and ran out"

"so what was your conversation all about?"

"as i said, it's private."

"you won't tell me why my friend ran out of the cafe because it's private information you were talking about?"


"wonwoo, what were you guys talking about?"

"aha, that's private."

seokmin was getting tired of the excuses. "jun, get out from under the cashier stand and tell me what's going on." jun comes from under the counter with a confused face.

"how did you know i was here?"

"i saw you crawl under the tabletop cause you dropped a coin and you never came back up. now what happened?"

"you see, that's pri-"

seokmin sighs loudly. "will someone that can tell me the truth tell me what happened?!" he yells out. his tone scares junhui, who runs to make the drinks in the back.

"stop. i'll tell you, seokmin." it was jeonghan.

"he overheard my conversation with wonwoo about a person i like. he got mad after overhearing my conversation and yelled at us in english before running off." jeonghan's head hung low as he talked right to seokmin's face about himself.

"why did he get so offended about you liking someone?"

"you see... h-he likes that person too."

seokmin's heart cracked.


jeonghan sniffled.

"i'm pretty sure i have no chance with em. they're cute and kind and so funny, but jisoo is a better person for him."

seokmin can't take this stalling anymore, he needed to know who was going to break his heart. "jeonghan, a name."

"seokmin, it's you."

"w-wait... you? but then...? huh?"

"i made a horrible mistake to let you go. you were the good in my life and i don't think i'll ever find it again. i broke your heart so badly i don't deserve your love. i don't know why, i-i just cant let go. seokmin, help me please" sniffles and a tear or two came from jeonghan, "tell me to let go."

seokmin takes a deep breath.

"i don't love you anymore, jeonghan. what you've done to me hurt me deeply, and i don't think- no, i know i can't forgive you for that. the time we spent together only hurt in the end, so i'll just say this now. being with jisoo lifted my spirits up more then you could've done, even when we were together. yoon jeonghan, if you really loved me...

let it all go."

seokmin went up to the table and put his hand onto jeonghan's shoulder. it started to shake and soon enough, he was crying. seokmin held him close and let him cry. he couldn't leave him a mess like that. wonwoo clenched his fist as he saw seokmin holding jeonghan, letting him cry. he wasn't doing his job as his friend to comfort him and that ticked himself off.

"g-go seokmin." jeonghan muttered as he moved his head away from seokmin's body.

"go to jisoo. and make sure you stay safe."

seokmin nodded and slowly let him go. jeonghan grabbed his wrist again.

"promise me one thing though."

seokmin turned.

"can we still be friends? wonwoo hates seafood so i don't have any friends that could go out and eat shrimp tempura with me."

seokmin chuckled and nodded. jeonghan smiled and released him. he quickly ran out of the door, leaving a similar sight of what happened with jisoo, except there was a crying jeonghan and a confused wonu.

jeonghan tugged the younger's sweater and held him in a hug. wonwoo held him back and ran his hand up and down the elder's upper back to calm him. junhui came out from the kitchen, oblivious to everything that just happened.

"where'd seokmin go?"

"with jisoo."

junhui's eyebrows raised in shock."s-so, how did it work out?"

"seokmin and jeonghan are just friends now. jeonghan thinks he has true happiness now." wonwoo cuts in.

"yeah, i do think that seokmin has true happiness now. with you guys around, i do too." jeonghan crept a little smile as he said that.

"well cool for their true happiness, but i didn't spend ten minutes making these drinks for them to be wasted!" the other two laughed at junhui's disparity.

seokmin ran, ran and ran. he looked around for a what felt like days, but no luck. he racked his brain for any sort of idea of where jisoo would be. school? no. his apartment?? possibly... what's someplace close that he would go to- wait. and it finally hit him.

the park.

seokmin turned around and sprinted to the magnolias.

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