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"y-you care? but why?! you had the chance to go back to jeonghan! i just got in the way of things seokmin! i always do!" jisoo screamed before bursting out crying even harder.

"jisoo." seokmin said sternly.

"you were always there for me. you made me happier then i ever was with jeonghan. you made me smile with your small antics and you've helped me when i felt so little. you made my life amazing. everyday i'm with you, i can't wait for the next thing we do together. jisoo, you are one person who makes me happy no matter what you do. so i'm just- just gonna say this. jisoo...

i love you."

seokmin looked to the suddenly interesting wood panels as he played with his hands.

"i really do. y-you can say anything you want. turn me down completely. yell at me. sigh and shake your head. d-do whatever. j-just please don't h-hate me. i don't know what i co-"

jisoo put his finger over seokmin's lips, suddenly ending his tangent.

"s-seokmin..." jisoo didn't have any words. he was completely baffled on why seokmin loved him. for all of jisoo's school life, he interpreted himself as just a burden or dead weight. seokmin, the brightest and most adorable sunshine with amazing and hilarious friends, loved him back?

"y-you love me?" jisoo had a face of confusion. seokmin, however, misinterpreted his reaction.

"oh my god jisoo." seokmin turned to him with scared eyes.

'do you not really love me? did you second guess me? did you finally figure out that i'll just be a burden?' jisoo's head thought of every worst-case scenario possible.

"a-are you straight?" seokmin teared up. he couldn't believe that someone he had fallen so deeply for could've been straight. he was so scared to hear his answer.

seokmin closed his eyes and clenched his fists. his response? laughter. seokmin opened his eyes slowly, thoughts of his crush being straight still haunting his mind, only to see jisoo clenching his stomach from laughing so hard.

jisoo couldn't hold back laughter. him? straight? jisoo thought he was pretty obvious on how gay he really was. he smiled so much his face was starting to hurt.

"w-why're you laughing? are you really straight?" seokmin started to cry a little, and jisoo suddenly panicked and wiped his tears.

"i thought i was really obvious." jisoo sighed.

"obvious with what?!"

"with being gaaayyyy." jisoo said before laughing again.

"but that didn't answer my question."

"yeah it did, you asked if i was straight! i am gay seokmin. gay. g-a-y."

"no, t-the first question."

"that wasn't enough of an answer? fine..."

jisoo's lips leaned into seokmin to kiss his

forehead. he kept his lips there for a little before slowly drifting backwards. when he leaned back, jisoo saw seokmin pouting.

"what?? what else do you want me to kiss? your lips?" jisoo said in a sarcastic tone. seokmin didn't hesitate at all to this question.


jisoo choked on his spit. "r-really?" his eyes widened.

"yes, jisoo! your lips look so soft and smooth and i've always wondered what they felt like." seokmin's mind went on a tangent, thinking of how soft jisoo's lips would be. it was pulled back when jisoo smacked his face with a pillow.

"you sound creepy when you say it like that!" jisoo giggled, swinging the pillow at seokmin once again. seokmin began to tease the elder by making kissy faces. jisoo couldn't stop giggling at the younger's antics. seokmin pinched jisoo's cheeks.

"why're you sO CUTTEEE??" seokmin asked in a tone that you would use to talk to babies. jisoo held seokmin's face in his hands.

"you're cute toooooo" jisoo said in the same tone as seokmin. but then jisoo stopped. he held seokmin's face more lovingly and leaned in closer. seokmin's eyes widened and began to close. seokmin felt a surge of insane happiness, thinking that jisoo's lips could be felt on his. he felt the fireworks going off in his stomach as the heat radiating off of jisoo's body could be felt on seokmin's face.


their lips touched, and seokmin closed his eyes to savor the moment. it was really happening. jisoo's lips were so soft and plump and smooth. seokmin's heart couldn't take it. neither could jisoo's. he couldn't believe he mustered the courage to kiss him at all. seokmin's slightly chapped lips made jisoo's heart rate pick up intensely. his ears went red as he wrapped his arms around seokmin's waist. they were soon forced to lean back as they ran out of air. they took deep breaths of air as they stared into each other's eyes.

"i am not straight. i like you back and i hope you would love to be my boyfriend." jisoo said in one quick breath.

seokmin teared up and nodded his head furiously. he couldn't believe he had someone who he could truly trust with his heart. he knew jisoo wouldn't hurt him. seokmin pulled jisoo in and held him tightly as he kissed him. jisoo kissed him back and the two spent the rest of the night in jisoo's room watching we bare bears as they cuddled. they both thought the same thing as they watched.

"i finally have true love."

this was the story of a boy who slid notes to his crush

the end.

you guys i finally finished my first book!!!!!! thank you so much for sticking around to the end of this short story and i hope you liked it. i'm honestly super proud of myself for finally finishing this :) i thought i had already uploaded this but actually i just saved it smh. but ily all thank u for reading notes <3

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