short - merry and happy

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seokmin planned out an amazing day with jisoo:
decorate jisoo's apartmemt, set up the small, plastic tree they bought yesterday, make sugar cookies and open each other's gifts! he set out at five in the morning to collect the things he needed:
he went to a 24-hour christmas store to buy christmas decor and, for research purposes, a mistletoe. he then stopped buy the supermarket and got cookie mix with green and red frosting bags. then he made a detour and got two milk teas from their favorite 24 hour cafe.


as jisoo stirred awake, the smell of bacon and eggs flooded the bedroom. he stretched his arms out to hug the empty spot on the bed that seokmin sleeps on. he lets out a confused noise and reaches again.
he grabs a cold pillow.

still confused, jisoo slides off of his side of the bed and puts his house slippers on. he walks out of
the door with his eyes still shut. he rubs them open to see seokmin cooking eggs with a santa apron on. jisoo's eyes open in surprise.

"well good morning," jisoo yawns and sits in front of the island.

seokmin giggles at jisoo's bed hair, "morning, soo! go brush your teeth and comb your wild hair down so we can eat. i'm almost done!" jisoo gasps.

"how dare you offend my hair like that!" jisoo holds the top of his head with an over dramatic
face of hurt. it looks as if an earthquake had hit him at that moment. seokmin looks back from the stove to see jisoo and bursts out laughing.

he turns the stove off and walks around the island to kiss jisoo's forehead, "ok i'm sorry jisoo's hair, be however you wanna be." jisoo giggled and pecks the younger's lips.

seokmin dazes out for a second. "woah," jisoo expects something sweet to come out.

"your morning breath sucks soo-ya! oh my-" is all seokmin can let out before jisoo chases him with one of the elder's slippers.


after all of the antics that just happened, or as minghao would say, "all of this tomfoolery that ended up getting no work done. but had really cute character development." the two finally sat down next to one another with rice, eggs, bacon and a bit of ketchup on their plates. the meal was accompanied with the milk teas from earlier.

was this drink healthy? no.

would they still have it for breakfast? yes.

the meal was amazing because of both seokmin's cooking and the fact that they got to eat together in peace with zero worries. after cramping tons of information for the stressful finals, the couple finally had time for themselves with winter break. once jisoo and seokmin ate up the food and sipped up all of the sweet drink, they washed their dishes
and threw the cups away before seokmin got the materials for the first holiday activity out.

he dug into the plastic bag he put all of the purchased decor into to pull out a 3 long cords of fairy lights, ornaments, strings of tinsel in red, green, gold, and white, and a mistletoe. jisoo had smiled at the decor and pulled out a large box that held the plastic, mingyu-sized tree parts. the fun had begun.

seokmin tried to set up the tree with jisoo and ended up tipping the fake pine tree over more times than then the fingers on your two hands (18 times, and counting). seokmin blushed madly with embarrassment whenever he did that, his ears turning bright red and everything.

after the tree problems, the two began to hang the longer string of fairy lights around the room. the two had to move the ladder, pin the light up, move the latter again, pin more lights up, and follow that tedious cycle to finish hanging the 30 feet of lights.

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