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jisoo walked around the room, collecting the worksheets from people's desk, his mind clouded with thoughts of seokmin holding him close. they would cuddle in bed and talk about the smallest things. jisoo would as seokmin how his day would be going, and seokmin could either say it was amazing with jisoo in his life or seokmin would tell jisoo what was wrong. jisoo would help seokmin with any of his problems so he could feel better.

seokmin laughing and genuinely smiling is the best feeling that jisoo would want to give. jisoo turned all of the worksheets on the teacher's desk. he walked over to his desk to get his bag before seeing the sticky note he scribbled onto. jisoo turned around to see that seokmin was bent over, tying his shoe at his desk.

seokmin was about to leave from jisoo's grasp. jisoo picked his bag up hastily to walk over to seokmin's desk. he stood there and stuck the note to his desk before hastily walking out of the class.

seokmin glanced up after double-knotting his laces to grab his bag, only to see a sticky note attached to his desk. his heart felt heavy when he saw jisoo's handwriting on the paper. he picked up the note slowly and read it out. it had ten digits on there, along with a little note under.

hey, its friday! here's my phone number and address in case you still want to sleep over. if you don't, that's totally fine. - jisoo

seokmin folded the note delicately and put it in his pocket before grabbing his bag and walking out. seokmin left by going through the back of the school. he avoided the parking lot completely before beginning to walk back to his house. when he got there around ten minutes later, he was greeted happily by his mom.

"seokminnie! you're sleeping over at your friends house today right? go get your stuff and go!"

seokmin sighed and shook his head.

"mom, i-i don't really feel comfortable going right now."

his mom gave him a worried look.

"seokmin, sit down with me."

seokmin sat next to her at the dinner table. "tell me what happened." she asked.

"s-so i made a new friend named jisoo and i kind of have a crush on him, b-but it turns out that jeonghan is hanging out with him. s-so i don't know if i can still hang out w-with him..." seokmin's eyes are pricked with tears as they threaten to fall from his face. his mom brings him into a hug.

"seokmin, i understand about your feelings with jeonghan, but i think that you need to hear his side of the story too. i think you don't have enough information to just assume this wonderful boy would hangout with jeonghan."

seokmin nodded. "j-jisoo isn't popular like jeonghan. jisoo is quiet and polite and super fun to talk to. h-he makes me feel super happy and he makes me feel like everything is okay by just looking into his eyes." seokmin went on a tangent about jisoo and his mom smiled.

"i think you'll be fine with this jisoo boy. you don't realize it, but it sounds like he's a very nice boy. just promise me one thing, seokmin."

"what is it?"

"let me meet this boy of your dreams one day. the way you describe him makes it sound like i'll be having a son-in-law soon."

"m-mom!"seokmin exclaimed as he blushed. he smiled, maybe i could try to talk to him.

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