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jisoo walked over to their next period and tried to walk over to seokmin, but seungkwan pulled him back. "i don't think you should do that right now."

jisoo looked at the younger with confusion. "why not?"

seungkwan just shook his head. "he's not really in a good mood right now."

jisoo's eyes widened," why? who made him sad?" seungkwan shook his head once more and sighed.

"i-it's you, jisoo. he's sad cause you're hanging with jeonghan."

jisoo was really confused. he didn't even want to hang out with jeonghan! he was dragged over to their table and ignored. who would want that over seokmin? jisoo sighed.

when the two walked into the class, it seemed that the seats around seokmin were taken. jisoo and seungkwan ended up sitting together in the back.

"i didn't even get to choose to go with him! he dragged me into going." seungkwan tsked jisoo. "you have a voice too, jisoo. you can tell him 'i don't wanna hang out here right now', there's no problem with that!"

jisoo sighed. it was never that easy for him. jisoo was always the pushover, the quiet one. he never spoke up for himself. over time, he just accepted the fact that other people's feelings mattered before his.

"here, let me make it simpler for you." jisoo's eyes met seungkwan's. "what senario would you want to happen between you and seokmin. would you want to make seokmin cry as you do something you hate or make both you and seokmin happy by staying away from jeonghan?" "h-he cried?" jisoo quietly exclaimed. seungkwan didn't respond, but that was jisoo's answer. they looked around the class and saw that the teacher had them work on some of the textbook work. they quickly got the book out and caught up with class work.

the ap world history textbook work was never really jisoo's thing, but he always tried. he helped seungkwan with questions he didn't understand, especially the ones about america. about the presidents or the wars and even when the native americans were the only humans inhabiting the land. in return, seungkwan helped jisoo with any other place, as seungkwan was self-proclaimed as the "best kid in history class". jisoo was having fun with seungkwan and he was starting to understand why seokmim hung out with him.

seokmin. jisoo looked over to him. seokmin was laughing with mingyu, his great big smile brightening the room. jisoo held his pen tighter.

"was seokmin happier without me?"

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