Chapter four - Landmen

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The moon glistens like a diamond in the pitch black sky, freckle like stars keeping it company throughout the night. The fire crackles away, the occasional spit of flame bursting out and onto the dead leaves, sizzling orange before turning black. I watch Kit's face, how the twitching flames brighten up the bridge of his nose and right cheek, casting a dark shadow on the rest of it. 

His eyes flicker to mine, holding my gaze steadily as the night around us continues its normal path. Minute by minute. Second by second. 

I'd be lying if I said my feelings for Kit hadn't grown, if that's even possible. I've always liked him, he's only a year or two older than me so I used to see him every day at school. I can't believe we've never spoken until this whole, thing, happened. 

"You cold?" He asks out of the blue, his eyelashes fluttering as he waits for an answer. I bring my blanket closer to myself, muttering "a little." He straightens his back before patting the leaves next to him, a quiet crunch joining the sound of the fire. I hesitate before standing, taking small steps until I reach him, where I sit down again. The corners of his mouth twitch as I sigh, stretching my legs out towards the dangerous fire, the bottoms of my boots warming up slowly. I let go of the blanket and let it pile around me like a nest. 

Ever since we started our journey to New York, Kit's and I's relationship has grown heaps. In a friendly way. Unfortunately. He leans back against his bag, the contents inside making a slight noise before he sits still. I turn my head to look at him, my drooping eyes watching his face as he lays there with his eyes closed calmly. 

Suddenly they open and I look away, pretending to be looking at something else. His large hand moves to my side, slowly tracing intricate patterns where my shirt's lifted up. I try not to shiver as he continues, his calloused fingers touching the soft skin of my back so lightly I can barely feel it. 

He sits back up again, his eyes never leaving my face. My stomach erupts into butterflies as he raises a hand to grab my cheek, his thumb brushing along my jaw. I can't help but lean into it, closing my eyes gently to savour his touch before opening them back up again to look into his gorgeous golden eyes. 

His face lowers to mine slowly, his hot breath fanning my wet lips. I see his tongue come out to moisten his bottom lip. Is this really happening? Am I really going to kiss him? Not wanting to come across as desperate, I decide to look away at the fire, shutting off any invitation to kiss. 

I feel his eyes bore into the side of my face with confusion, causing my heart to plummet into my stomach. I want nothing more than to kiss him right now, and I know he feels the same way, but, maybe now isn't the time. 

He picks up the blanket around me and lifts it up onto my shoulders before doing the same thing to himself. I look at him over my shoulder and smile gently, my eyes creasing in a gentle manner. He smiles too, genuinely, as if I didn't just reject him. My heart stops aching as I realise that maybe he thinks we should wait too. 

For the rest of the night, we sat speechless in the middle of the woods. The fire was still soaring by the time we both fell asleep in eachother's presence.


"Oh, she's a pretty one, Victoria will like her."

My eyes slowly peel open, the dark tree tops coming into view, shielding the sun from my sensitive eyes. Early birds chirp eagerly, ready to start their day. The branches are soon replaced with two ugly faces, causing a loud scream to leave my throat. They laugh before stepping back, giving me enough time to jump to my feet and dash in the opposite direction. The leaves crunch under my boots as I make a run for it before suddenly remembering last night. 

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