Reunion of the Century

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It has been two years since we got done with the mission. I was so happy when it was done and I could dump Diaspros sorry ass. 

The Trix where sent off to Light Rock again and I have no idea why because every time they go there they just break out again. The exes where sentence to 19 months of community service and 2 months in a magical dimension that was basically a prison since they help the Trix with there plan. We never really learned the true plan and who they where attacking but we had enough to get rid of them.

It seemed like that mission lasted centuries when in fact it last 3 years or as Timmy puts it 3 years 4 months 13 days 7 minutes and 20 seconds.

The first thing me and the other specialist wanted to do was contact the girls so we could finally tell them the truth but when we tried we couldn't get the messages through. And that's when I remembered Bloom and the other Winx blocked our numbers the day we left them at the alter. I wasn't mad because I knew I would have done the same thing. 

2 years had past since that day and Me and the guys had stayed in Magix. Saladin offered us teaching jobs at red fountain and we gladly took them because we knew it would be an excuse to stay there and await the Winx return.
Ms. Faragonda told us that the girls where sent on a mission for 5 years and they already compeleted 4 years and 11 months so they would be back soon.
None of us moved on from the girls when we got back because we knew they where the only ones for us. Things in Magix was good we all had apartments right next to each other and we all loved teaching even Riven.

We where on in between teaching when Saladin told us there was a fight in the woods with strong magic and he needed us to go check it out.
As we got closer to the fight we say 8 children in a Morphix bubble. A little girl with blonde hair started speaking "help our mommies are fighting a mean witch and they are getting weak" I had no clue who she was but some part felt like I knew her my whole life and I had to protect her with my life. "Don't worry we are going to help your mommies" I told all 8 of the small children but kept eye contact with the blonde little girl. We got closer and saw Icy wrapped up in vines and the Winx fighting her. We all had a look of shock on our face not knowing what to do but then snapped out of it to fight Icy. Next I know is Flora falling to the ground unconscious. Helia immediately ran up to her trying to comfort her and wake her up. Out of the corner of my eye I say to small children bang on the Morphix bubble screaming mommy. The rest of the Winx fell to the ground and de transformed but where all still conscious except flora. Some where in between that time of flora fainting and the rest of the girls de transforming Icy escape but no One seemed to care because the girls where back and they brought children.

Musa POV

We had just trapped Icy with one last powerful spell which made us very weak so weak we fell to the ground and  de transformed. We where all still conscious except for Flora who had fallen after wrapping Icy up and Helia was trying to comfort her. Which I'm not gonna lie made me pissed off since the last time Flora heard from Helia was the day we got stood up at the alter. At the corner of my eye I saw Riven trying to walk up to me. Before he got to close I got up and walked to where the kids where the Morphix bubble had broke when Layla turned back into her regular clothes. Lyra and Harmony both ran up to me "You girls okay?" I ask them enclosing them in a hug. "Yeah but you should of let me help I would have been able to deal with her" Lyra boasted. Just like him I thought to myself. "I know but I needed you to protect your sister and your friend" I told Lyra. "How about you Harmony?" I ask my other little girl. "I'm okay I was worried about you though." Harmony said in a soft little voice. "Who is the wierdo staring at us mommy?" Lyra asked I turned around at her question to see Riven staring at us from about a meter away. "A old friend." I simply tell her. "He looks scary." Harmony said. "Yeah a little but there was a time when he didnt look scary at least not to me." I told my girls. "Tell us then." Lyra said. "Maybe sometime but we have to go see Ms.Faragonda the person I was telling you about. "Ok but I better hear that story" Lyra told me. Man she is just like her father I thought. I picked up Harmony and tried picking up Lyra but she told me only baby's get carried and that should could handle herself. "Hey I'm not a baby." Harmony exclaimed starting to tear up. "No your not Harmony you just as tough and strong as your sister." I told my little girl. "I'm sorry Harmony" Lyra told her sister. "ok" Harmony simply said. And sent a major sound wave to her sisters ear which I only heard because it was so high pitched. "Hey!" Lyra cried and returned the favor by doing the same to her sister. "Both of you stop. Or else no bed time story tonight" I told my girl kinda frustrated but also I found it kinda funny because I did the same thing to him when he mad me mad or upset. "You ready Musa." Flora asked me. She must of woke up when the girls where arguing. "Yeah lets go see Ms. Faragonda" I told her. None of the specialist said a word to us since they go there I could tell they where all shocked but I did manage to pick up Riven saying something along the lines of "I cant believe they moved on and had kids and are we going to tell them" all I could think was we never moved on you just are just jack asses who cant see anything and what do you have to tell us that we are sluts? I just rolled my eyes.

We started walking to Alfea. I carried Harmony well Lyra walked next me acting tough, Flora was holding both Forest and Eliana, Tecna was holding on to Leo hands and he talked about some new software he say his mom working on, Bloom was holding a sleeping Briar in her arms, Layla was holding Caleb who looked like he wanted but Layla wouldn't because Caleb wants to go talk to the 6 men walking behind us, Stella was watching Celest as she was trying to chase a butterfly, and all six specialist walked behind us talking about something I couldn't quite hear. 

Bloom POV

The whole way to Alfea I could feel someone or more specifically Sky staring at me the whole walk there. "Why did you do it Sky is all I could think" I thought. I look down to see Briar was asleep. She looked so peaceful but we had got to the gates so I knew I had to wake her up. "Honey time to wake up. We're here and someone is waiting to meet you" I told her. "Ok momma" she squeaked very sleepily she looked up at me with her beautiful blue eyes as she said that.  

We walked up to Ms. Faragonda's office with the specialist still following us. Out of no where Stella finally asked the question we where all thinking "Why are you following us? We don't need your help anymore." "We where asked here by Ms. Faragonda. Why are you here?" Brandon asked. "We just finished our mission for your information" Stella said in a very annoyed voice. I could tell it took all her energy not to break in to tears or to yell at him. "Come on in ladies and gentlemen." Ms. Faragonda said in just the right time to or else Stella might be in tears and in an angry conversation. 

"These must be the children" Ms. Faragonda said bending down to say hello. "Yes say hello to my little on Briar Rose, the little girls with the violet eyes are Musa's twins Lyra and Harmony, the little boy with the purple hair with streak of orange is Tecna's son Leo, the little girl with jade eyes and the boy with blue eyes are Flora's twins Eliana and Forest, that's Layla's son with the dark brown curly hair his name is Caleb and that's Stella's little girl with the brown hair and streaks of blonde Celeste. Kids this is Ms.Faragonda the one we told you about." I say introducing the kids and Ms.Faragonda while completely ignoring the boys.

Ms.Faragonda POV

All the children just stayed in their spots and waved except one a little girl with striking magenta hair she walked up to me and said "Hello my name is Lyra and this my twin Harmony. Its a pleasure to finally meet you. My mom told me all about you." Lyra exclaimed. "Its a pleasure to meet you too little one." I told her. "I'm not that little I'm much braver and tougher than I look. When I grow up I'm gonna come here and be just like my mom. Also being the top of my class and be the best at everything." Lyra told me. "Just like her father and looks just like him too." I thought to myself while looking at Musa I could tell she knew what I was thinking.

"Ms.Faragonda I hate break up your little conversation but why did you ask us here" Riven said interrupting my conversation with Lyra. "Well Riven I need you to protect some 5 year olds and their moms."

Musa POV

The second Ms.Faragonda said that is when I realized we where the moms and children she was talking about and I knew there was nothing around it.

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